The possibility of sharing the final products of coastal video-monitoring is quite promising, supporting professionals and coastal managers in morphological analysis and management activities. This has led to the construction of a this web-portal (, which includes the publication of the results for the video stations installed in Apulia region (Italy). Video systems acquired images every 30 minutes, stored in the local servers as Snap, Timex and Standard-Deviation (STD) images. Moreover, full-HD Video recording for time-stack analysis is available and remotely controllable. The tool provides the automatic extraction of shorelines by the application of the automatic codes. Then, the Timex images and the extracted shorelines are geo-rectified and published in quasi-real time, allowing the users to consult the canvas rendering of the shoreline maps at different time acquisition intervals. Coastline time variation along predefined cross-shore transect is also available!
This Repository is intendend to share sources for the applications running on the coastal video-monitoring web-tool includes the web-server itself:
- "src" Mareographic filter, geo-rectification sources & shoreline extraction codes
- "web-src" Web interface sources
This tool has been developed and mantained by Polytechnic University of Bari (Italy), DICATECh Department in collaboration with ACIC ( a Multitel spin-off!