
Primary LanguageCGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1



sxplayer stands for Stupeflix Player, a video frames fetching library.

It can handle only one stream at a time, generally video. If audio is requested, the frame returned will be an instant video frame containing both amplitudes and frequencies information.


LGPL v2.1, see LICENSE.

Compilation, installation

The only dependency is FFmpeg.

make is enough to build libsxplayer.a.

If you prefer a dynamic library, you can use the variable SHARED, such as make SHARED=yes.

If you need symbol debugging, you can use make DEBUG=yes.

Make allow options to be combinable, so make SHARED=yes DEBUG=yes is valid.

make install will install the library in PREFIX, which you can override, for example using make install PREFIX=/tmp/sxp.

API Usage

For API usage, refers to sxplayer.h.


Infrastructure overview

              .                             .
              .             API             .
              .                             .
              . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
              .                             .   .------------.               .-----------------------------------------------------.
              .                             .   | sxplayer.c |               | control                                             |
              .                             .   +------------+               +-----------------------------------------------------+
           ===.===  sxplayer_create() ======.==>|            |===  init  ===>|                                                     |
              .                             .   |            |---  start  -->|                    MANAGE THREADS                   |
           ===.===  sxplayer_get_*frame() ==.==>|            |---  seek  --->|              _________/  |  \_______                |
  USER        .                             .   |            |---  stop  --->|             /            |          \               |
           ---.---  sxplayer_start() -------.-->|            |===  free  ===>|            /             |           \              |
           ---.---  sxplayer_seek()  -------.-->|            |               |           v              v            v             |
           ---.---  sxplayer_seek()  -------.-->|            |               |      .----------.  .----------.  .----------.       |
              .                             .   |            |               |      | demuxer  |  | decoder  |  | filterer |       |
           ===.===  sxplayer_free()  =======.==>|            |               |      +----------+  +----------+  +----------+       |
              .                             .   |            |               |      | init     |  | init     |  | init     |       |
              .                             .   `------------'               |      +----------+  +----------+  +----------+       |
              .                             .                                |      |          |  |          |  |          |       |
              .                             .                                |      |  RUN     |  |  RUN     |  |  RUN     |       |
              .                             .                                |      |          |  |          |  |          |       |
                                                                             |      |          |  |          |  |          |       |
                                                                             |   O==|==O    O==|==|==O    O==|==|==O    O==|==O    |
                                                                             |      |          |  |          |  |          |       |
                                                                             |      +----------+  +----------+  +----------+       |
                                                                             |      | free     |  | free     |  | free     |       |
                                                                             |      `----------'  `----------'  `----------'       |
                                                                             |                                                     |
                                                                             |                                                     |
                                                                             |   O=====O in control queue                          |
                                                                             |                                                     |
                                                                             |   O=====O out control queue                         |
                                                                             |                                                     |

O====O       message queue
-- xxx -->   async operation
== xxx ==>   sync operation