
Clone the repository using

$ git clone 

navigate to the directory

$ cd expense-tracker

run npm install

$ npm install

to serve to the browser for development

$ ionic serve

to build for device

$ ionic run android
$ ionic run ios

How to start a new ionic project

1. Generate the project structure

$ ionic start imeAppa sidemenu

2. Navigate to your app folder

$ cd imeAppa

3. Run app in the browser

$ ionic serve

You might get a question: 2) localhost or 1) choose 1

4. Add the platform you are developing for

$ ionic platform add android
$ ionic platform add ios

5. If you want to develop using ionic view app (

$ ionic add ionic-platform-web-client
$ ionic io init
$ ionic upload --note "Some details about this upload"

6. Run on device

$ ionic run ios // for OSX deploying to iOS
$ ionic run android