
之前从没有真正深入阅读过英文的诗歌,雪莱的诗是一个很巧合的开始 十月份的一天晚上,不知为什么心中萌生出想要阅读英文诗歌的念头,挑一个吧,之前并不了解英国的诗歌文学具体如何,便从众多诗人中挑了名字颇为优美的 “珀西·比希·雪莱”。未先了解过其生平便从他的诗歌原文开始,有些晦涩难懂,大体上刚接触西文的诗歌都会这样,英文的诗歌相对古诗都比较长,而且由于文化的差异,有时很难理解那些文字描绘的到底是什么。

想象力,一旦开始有将文字变成脑海中的画面的习惯,一切都变的豁然开朗,雪莱的诗常给我这样一种感觉,就像坠入邓布利多校长办公室里的冥想盆,掉进一个记忆和幻想糅杂在一起的空间,置身其中的时候忘记盆外的世界,一旦结束又觉的虚无缥缈。为了更多的了解他的诗,莫洛亚的《雪莱传》(Ariel: The Life of Shelley by Andre Maurois)便成为一本很棒的参考书目,这本书无关雪莱诗歌的分析解读,只是叙述雪莱悲情的一生,但有的时候,了解诗人便是了解诗。


In nobil sangue vita umile e queta,

Ed in alto intelletto un puro core

Frutto senile in sul giovenil fibre,

E in aspetto pensoso anima lieta.—PETRARCA.

这是一小段取自文艺复兴时期的意大利诗人 **Francesco Petrarca **的意大利文诗集 _Canzoniere _的第 215 小结,经过查看原文,玛丽摘抄下的这段诗句有部分笔误

In nobil sangue vita humile et queta

Et in alto intellecto un puro core,

Frutto senile in sul giovenil fiore

E ’n aspetto pensoso anima lieta


Nobleblood, a calm and humble life,

high intellect, and a heart that’s pure,

the fruit of wisdom in her youth’s flower,

a joyful spirit in a thoughtful face,

出生贵族,平静谦卑,歌颂智力,心灵淳朴,虽是几百年前前辈的诗,但恰如其分的表达了对雪莱的赞美。在玛丽和雪莱第一次私奔又返回英国后,玛丽在雪莱的指导下学拉丁语、希腊语,也就是在那段时间,玛丽阅读了 Petrarca 的诗集,当时的情景是这样的:

She did not see in these studies, as did the first Mrs. Shelley, a rather boring game, but an extension of her enjoyment. The greatest charm of literary culture is that it humanizes love. Catullus, Theocritus, and Petrarch united to render more exquisite our lover's kisses. Shelley, with admiration for her strength of character, and was delighted to consider her as much superior to himself.

在玛丽看来,文学修养的最大魅力在于它使爱情变的更富有人性,将先贤的作品汇集于心,能使这对情人的亲吻变的更加高雅。如果不提,大概人们都不会想到《科学怪人-弗兰肯斯坦》的作者就是这位好学又有修养的雪莱夫人。1824年的那本诗集以雪莱在1813年发表的 _**Queen Mab **_开篇,对于玛丽来说,这是她对已故的丈夫表达的最诚挚的感情,当1813年雪莱将刚刚出版的 _**Queen Mab **_赠予玛丽时,玛丽回到屋中在书上写下这些:

This book is sacred to me, and as no other creature shall ever look into it, I may write in it what I please -- yet what shall I write? -- that I love the author beyond all powers of expression and that I am parted from him, dearest and only love -- by that love we have promised to each other although I may not be yours, I can never be another's. But I am thine, exclusively thine.

By the kiss of love, the glance none saw beside,

The smile none else might understand,

The whispered thought of hearts allied,

The pressure of the thrilling hand.

