
A web app where users can log information about dreams they had, comment on dreams and make connections with others. Added Redux in order to take advantage of performance optimizations and re-render components reliably. Combined Grommet and JavaScript to enable easy-to-use user experience / dark-mode. Researched and used complicated self-referential relationships to add dreams, comment dreams, and link dreams to specific users.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome, to DEVDREAM

you need to run the backend server first. You can find it here
  1. make sure you have Node.JS installed

  2. cd into the devdream directory

  3. npm install && npm audit afterwards.

  4. if you still get a Warning sign use npm audit fix

  5. Also install grommet.io using the following command in the terminal npm install grommet styled-components polished --save

  6. you might have to npm audit fix --force afterwards

  7. to start the web app npm start