
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Using reddit's API to erase or edit your own comment and submission history

⚠️ work in progess, not ready


Put your user name into snoopsnoo and see just how much information a person can find out about you, it's pretty crazy. We unknowingly give so much away about ourselves and that can be ok for some people but not ok for me.

I care about privacy but I also want to keep the same account. I personally don't want too much "history" for my account so I'd rather just delete everything older than a year or so old (you can set the threshold). This prevents someone doxing you just in case you have given away some identifying information in a comment and forgot about it. If you had 8 years of comments to sift through it can be a daunting task so I wanted to automate it

How to use

  • clone the repo locally