A game in which players must type regex patterns to match the texts shown before the time runs out! It aims to strengthen a person's skill with regex.
NOTE: This game is in Spanish.
Try to solve as many challenges as you can using regular expressions. The game will let you try again if you fail to make a match:
You will receive different prizes depending on your score:
If you feel confident enough in your regex skills, try to get the secret T-Regex:
Open your terminal, navigate to the "Speed Regex" folder, and launch the game with https://www.python.org/ by executing launcher.py
Scoreboard: Input de usuario y tabla de récords con los 5 campeones de SpeedRegex
Clasificación de preguntas según el tiempo restante, a menos tiempo ~ mayor dificultad
Preguntas bonus: Aplicando string operations u otros ejecutables de Python para ganar tiempo/puntos adicionales
The inspiration for this project is a videogame called "The Typing of The Dead", in which a player must quickly type letters, words and phrases to kill fast-advancing enemies.
More on regex: