NeuroClick is a program that emulates mouse clicks with eye blinks 
why using the NeuroSky MindWave headset.
Main author: Franck Dernoncourt <>
NeuroClick home page:
Version: 0.2 (20120721)
Eye blink detection accuracy:
Ca. 90% accurate, due to the NeuroSky MindWave API which misses around 10% 
of eye blinks. Such a good accuracy is perhaps due to the fact that I place
the sensor very close to my left eye, virtually on my eyebrow. Picture: 
What if I don't want to click but I need to blink ? 
* Most of the time the mouse cursor is placed on a neutral position so 
  it does not matter if you click;
* For Neurosky to maximize eyeblink detection you have to blink strongly.
Tested on Windows 7 x64 with multiscreen. It should work on any Windows.
Note that <windows.h> is used to emulate mouse clicks, this code will not
compile on operating systems other than Windows.
Copyright (C) 2012:               
              - Franck Dernoncourt <>
              - Neurosky team <>
This program is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported license
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Ideas to investigate:
* Being able to drag and drop would be great. However I am definitely not sure whether the eye blinking detection's accuracy and frequency would allow a smooth drag-and-drop.
* How bad is it to blink as many times as we use mouse clicks?
* Distinguishing left-click from right-click is currently impossible due to the fact that there is only one sensor, which mostly detects the left blinking (seems the left eye is the closest to the sensor).
* Is there any way to avoid that the program eats 100% CPU of a core? (apart from using Sleep())
* I find the headset quite incomfortable (it hurts my forehead) even though I find it not excessively intrusive. Please add your voice to the poll !
Any feedback/comments/ideas are welcome! -->