
Small Docker Compose to start a YugabyteDB lab

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Small Docker Compose to start a YugabyteDB lab with docker compose

Start a RF3:

docker compose down
docker compose up -d --scale yb=3 --no-recreate

Connect to first node:

docker compose exec -it yb ysqlsh -h yb-compose-yb-1

add more nodes (one after the other as balances to regions by conting the existing ones):

for i in {4..6} ; do docker compose up -d --scale yb=$i --no-recreate ; done

You can scale down, but one node at a time, waiting 15 minutes, as that's the default to re-create replicas. (Or blacklist the nodes before and wait for rebalance completion)

Note: if you stop a container and start another one before re-starting it, docker will assign it another IP address and it will not work. The IP that was at container creation is set in configuration as the server identity. A database is stateful ;)

You can get the environment to connect to the exposed ports with:

export PGHOST=$( docker compose ps yb --format json | jq -r '[ .[].Publishers[]|select(.TargetPort==5433)| "localhost"   ] | join(",")' )
export PGPORT=$( docker compose ps yb --format json | jq -r '[ .[].Publishers[]|select(.TargetPort==5433)|.PublishedPort ] | join(",")' )
export PGUSER=yugabyte
export PGDATABASE=yugabyte
set | grep ^PG

Network Delay

The NET_DELAY_MS variable adds network latency between the nodes. For example:

docker compose --env-file=.env.delay up -d


The nodes are placed in region1, region2 and region 3 You can create the following tablespaces:

docker compose run -it pg psql -h yb-compose-yb-1

select * from yb_servers();

create tablespace "region1" with ( replica_placement= $$
{ "num_replicas":1,"placement_blocks":[{ "cloud":"cloud","region":"region1","zone": "zone","min_num_replicas": 1 } ] }
$$) ;
create tablespace "region2" with ( replica_placement=$$
{ "num_replicas":1,"placement_blocks":[{ "cloud":"cloud","region":"region2","zone": "zone","min_num_replicas": 1 } ] }
$$) ;
create tablespace "region3" with ( replica_placement=$$
{ "num_replicas":1,"placement_blocks":[{ "cloud":"cloud","region":"region3","zone": "zone","min_num_replicas": 1 } ] }
$$) ;

create tablespace "pref1" with ( replica_placement=$$
{ "num_replicas":3,"placement_blocks":[
 { "cloud":"cloud","region":"region1","zone": "zone","min_num_replicas":1,"leader_preference":1 },
 { "cloud":"cloud","region":"region2","zone": "zone","min_num_replicas":1,"leader_preference":2 },
 { "cloud":"cloud","region":"region3","zone": "zone","min_num_replicas":1,"leader_preference":3 }
] }
$$) ;

select * from pg_tablespace;