
Webservice, Web and mobile client

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Webservice, Web and mobile client

CinemaServer : install and launch: You will need to have a mysql database cinema already here, with a user userepul/epul here Once you started mysql, you should be able to launch the server:

You can get lists with these urls :

personnages: http://localhost:8080/personnages
categories : http://localhost:8080/categories
acteurs : http://localhost:8080/acteurs
realisateurs: http://localhost:8080/realisateurs 
films: http://localhost:8080/films

You can get details with urls : 
personnages: http://localhost:8080/personnages/{idpersonnage}  //not working at the time but will
categories : http://localhost:8080/categories/{idCate}
acteurs : http://localhost:8080/acteurs/{idActeur}
realisateurs: http://localhost:8080/realisateurs/{idReal}
films: http://localhost:8080/films/{idFilm}