Franckins's Following
- bhancockio
- cathykc@openai
- cline
- coreybutler@author
- Duff89Freelance
- e2b-devUnited States of America
- excalidraw
- iperov
- KagigzParis
- koushClockworkMod
- Leaflet
- lmstudio-aiUnited States of America
- marcelmos
- mckaywrigleyTakeoff AI
- mendsalbert
- muiGlobal
- myshell-aiUnited States of America
- neural-mazeSpain
- nvm-sh
- ollama
- openai
- OpenGVLab
- parallax
- PiusLucky@sassify-crypto
- Priler@Howdy-Ho
- remotion-dev
- rowyio
- ski043Germany
- SkyTNT
- stackblitzUnited States of America
- TanStackSalt Lake City, Utah, USA
- TmeisterAcquira
- transifex
- unclecodeAlephNul, and KidoCode
- vslavikPrague
- wemake-services