
Easy messages scheduling with amqplib.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Easy messages scheduling with amqplib.

This library is based on purposeindustries/node-amqp-schedule ported to use with the amqplib AMQP client library.


npm install amqplib-scheduler

Use with squaremo/amqp.node.


var amqp	  = require('amqplib/callback_api');
var scheduler = require('amqplib-scheduler');

//A stablished amqp connection in needed
amqp.connect(function (err, conn) {
  if (err !== null) return bail(err);

//Scheduler initialization
  var schedule = scheduler(conn, {prefix: 'qPrefix', separator: '.'});

  var date = new Date(Date.now() + 20000);
  schedule('dlExchange', 'dlxRoute', { foobar: '30s ' + new Date()}, 30000, cb);
  schedule('dlExchange', 'dlxRoute', { foobar: '@ ' + date }, date, cb);


the scheduler initialization accepts a second optional parameter (options) :


prefix: [temp queue name prefix, defaults to 'schedule'],

separator: [temp queue name separator, defaults to '.'],

threshold: [temp queue expires after delay + threshold, defaults to 10000]
