My personal challenge

The aim of this POC (my personal challenge) is to create an application using Service Fabric in a macOS environment.

The application is composed of four services:

  • ui-service (stateless) that host an ASP.NET MVC dotnet core web site.
  • pl-service (stateless) that host a WCF service and expose a catalog of products.
  • pd-service (stateless) that host a WCF service and expose the product details.
  • graphql-service (stateless) that host a graphQL entry point for the services.

Let's start.

  • Setup develop environment

    1. Pull the docker image

      docker pull microsoft/service-fabric-onebox

    2. Start the service fabric container image

      docker run -itd -p 19080-19100:19080-19100 --name sfonebox microsoft/service-fabric-onebox

    3. Logon on the Docker container

      docker exec -it sfonebox bash

    4. Run the script to fecth required dependencies


      please use: apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated dotnet-runtime-2.0.0 inside the setup script.


    5. At the end of this process if you tpye http://localhost:19080 in your browser you should see Service Fabric explorer

  • Setup Service Fabric CLI

    1. Use brew to install the Service Fabric cli using the commands:

      brew install python3

      [sudo] pip3 install sfctl

    2. After sfctl is installed you have to select the cluster

      sfctl cluster select --endpoint http://localhost:19080

  • Create the first .NET Core application

    1. Install Yeoman to generate the template of the application

      npm install -g yo

    2. Install the selected generator

      npm install -g generator-azuresfcsharp

    3. Create the applicaiton

      yo azuresfcsharp

      • select the name of the app (ui-service)
      • select the type of the service (stateless service)
      • select the name of the service (UiService)
    4. Updaload the application using the cli commnand

      sfctl application upload --path ui-service --show-progress

    5. Provisioning the service using the cli command

      sfctl application provision --application-type-build-path ui-service

    6. Create the instance of the service using the cli command

      sfctl application create --app-name fabric:/ui-service --app-type ui-serviceType --app-version 1.0.0

    7. You can also use the bash scripts to:


      build the service


      deploy the service in the Service Fabric Cluster


      to remove the service from cluster