
A small demo app to show how to create an app with twitter API

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Tweeter mobile application

ionic and angular based application

Getting started

Journey of a developer

  1. download stuff
  2. read docs
  3. configure things
  4. test
  5. fix
  6. test again...

Getting started with your environment

To get stater with any project, you need the right resources. Those resources will help us to develop (IDE), support or development stack (NodeJs) or even separate our day-to-day work with the the development environment for security and performance concern... :

  • Node Js: All our application stack rely on NodeJs. NodeJs help to create application in Javascript for client side application (web site...) or even server side logic (API, backend, database, login...).
  • visual studio code: Made by Microsoft, a multi platform light way editor made in Javascript! (Based on Electron). You can also use Atom based on a Javascript core as well or any other IDE if you have them installed on your machine.
  • Chrome canary: This will let you have an web environment detached from your own browser for security issue.
  • Chrome plugin deactivate security : That will help the development of our application since we connect to different external sever for tweeter for example. (CORS issue...)

Getting started with the project

You can clone the project (make a local copy on your laptop) by:

  • Using the github application: from the clone and download button, select open in desktop. this will install github application if not available on your machine.
  • Download the zip file: from the clone and download button, selectdownload zip button, then unzip it from your machine.
  • Use command line: use git clone <url_of_the_ripo>.git. This will create a new folder from the current folder with the project name.

Installing NodeJs dependencies

From now on, most of what we will do will done through the command line. Being an important tool for any developer, it's important to get familiar with it. some command line that can be handy:

  • cd ./<path> : to navigate to the path regarding to the current location
  • cd ..: to navigate back from your current directory
  • pwd : your location in the OS
  • dir : to list all file and directory in your current location

Once the command line is open, you can navigate to your local copy of the project then run:

$ npm install -g ionic Cordova

Then run:

$ ionic start

To use the platform locally connected to your android phone:

$ ionic platform add android

More info on this can be found on the Ionic Getting Started page and the Ionic CLI repo.

Make a tweeter application

  1. Create a tweeter application : https://apps.twitter.com/
  2. get your app keys
  3. add plugin on

Build and play with your own application

  1. create an account on apps.ionic.io.
  2. create a new app and save it in ionic.config.json file in the app_id parameter.
  3. run ionic io init in your console at the root of your project folder.
  4. to create android build, run ionic package build android.
  5. download the .apk file from ionic.io dashboard page.
  6. Just connect your smartphone to computer via USB cable and select “Media device” when prompted. Then, open your phone's folder on your PC and copy the APK file you want to install. Simply tap the APK file on your handset to facilitate installation. You can also install APK files from your phone's.


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