
An educational jQuery plugin for "Do Not Track" setting. This plugin detects if a user is using the "Do Not Track" header and inform him about its dangers.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An educational jQuery plugin for "Do Not Track" setting

This plugin detects if a user is using the "Do Not Track" header and inform him about its dangers.


Click here for live demo (don't forget to enable DNT on your browser to see it work !)

Basic usage


  <script type="text/javascript" src="http://donottrack.us/js/dnt.php"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.jDoNotTrack.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/locales/jquery.jDoNotTrack.en.js"></script>


$(document).ready(function() {


options: {
	zindex: '99999', // z-index parameter for the box
	height: '70', // height of the alert box
	id: 'doNotTrackAlert', // id of the alert box
	idCloseButton: 'doNotTrackCloseButton', // id of the [x] link
	animSpeed:1000, // Speed of open/close animation
	autoHide: false, // Choose whether you want to auto-close the box or want the user to click on the [x] link
	timeBeforeHide:10000, // If autoHide = true, time to wait before the box closes
	opacity:0.75, // Opacity of the box
	backgroundColor:"#000", // Background color of the box

Browser Support

jDoNotTrack has been tested to work completely in the following browsers (older versions may be supported, but haven't been tested):

  • Chrome 15+
  • Firefox 9+
  • Opera 11+
  • Internet Explorer 6+


Licensed under the MIT license.


DoNotTrack was inspired by the fact that Microsoft decided to activate opt-out by default in their browser while, IMNSHO, it should reflect the explicit choice of the user.

If you like my work, please follow me ( @FrancoisPerez ) ... or donate on the demo page (even 0.01�, that always nice !)

Design taken from @lipka because I really loved it (go check his Github page, he has some amazing stuff ;) ).