
A Selenium scraper for scraping websites, checking HTTP requests/responses, saving the resources, emulating logins, taking screenshots and finding interesting things inside the source code.

Primary LanguagePython

The Grim Scraper

A Selenium scraper for scraping websites, checking HTTP requests/responses, saving the resources, emulating logins, taking screenshots and finding interesting things inside the source code.

Grim Scraper

Example usage:

python3 grim-scraper.py --url https://github.com/login
  • It will visit https://github.com/login using Selenium, and a screenshot of the site will be saved in github.com/screenshot.png.

  • It will check the HTTP requests and responses, and will save the URL HTTP-Status-Code Content-Type information in github.com/http_responses.csv.

  • It will visit the URLs found in the HTTP requests and responses. The source codes will be saved in their respective folders and file names.

Arguments, options and flags:

usage: grim-scraper.py [-h] --url URL [--filetype FILETYPE] [--useragent USERAGENT] [--time TIME]
                       [--status STATUS] [--proxy PROXY] [--proxycred PROXYCRED] [-headless] [-log]
                       [-all] [-alert] [-login] [-href]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             Specify the URL
  --filetype FILETYPE   Specify the resource filetype to save
  --useragent USERAGENT
                        Specify the user agent. Default is 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64)
                        AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'
  --time TIME           Seconds to wait for page to load. Default is 30 seconds
  --status STATUS       Specify status code of main page. Do not scrape if main page does not match
                        this status code.
  --proxy PROXY         Specify proxy PROXY:PORT
  --proxycred PROXYCRED
                        Specify proxy credentials USER:PASS
  -headless             Run in headless mode
  -log                  Output logs
  -all                  Save all resources found in HTTP request/response
  -alert                Accept pop up alert
  -login                Attempt login using dummy email and password
  -href                 Scrape all href links from main page and take screenshot

Use URLs from a file (Use --url option, and specify the list file name)

python3 grim-scraper.py --url urls.txt

Specify resource filetype to save (Use --filetype to specify):

python3 grim-scraper.py --url https://github.com/login --filetype html

Specify the user agent (Use --usergent to specify):

python3 grim-scraper.py --url https://github.com/login --useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36"

Specify wait time (Use --time to specify):

python3 grim-scraper.py --url https://github.com/login --time 1

Specify HTTP status code (Use --status to specify, will only scrape if main page matches this status code):

python3 grim-scraper.py --url https://github.com/login --status 200

Specify proxy (Use --proxy to specify, format: PROXY:PORT):

python3 grim-scraper.py --url https://github.com/login --proxy

Specify proxy username and password (Use --proxycred to specify, format: USER:PASS):

python3 grim-scraper.py --url https://github.com/login --proxy --proxycred admin:admin

Running in headless mode (-headless flag):

python3 grim-scraper.py --url https://github.com/login -headless

Output the logs (-log flag):

python3 grim-scraper.py --url https://github.com/login -log

Download all resources found in HTTP response/request (-all flag):

python3 grim-scraper.py --url https://github.com/login -all

(Without -all flag, it will only save resources found under github.com)

Bypass Javascript pop up alerts (-alert flag):

python3 grim-scraper.py --url https://github.com/login -alert

Emulate a user login (-login flag)::

python3 grim-scraper.py --url https://github.com/login -login

A screenshot will be taken before and afer the login.

Scrape href links (-href flag)::

python3 grim-scraper.py --url https://github.com/login -href

It will scrape all href links inside the main page, and will take a screenshot.

Example output with -log option enabled:

URL HTTP-Status-Code Content-Type
('https://accounts.google.com/ListAccounts?gpsia=1&source=ChromiumBrowser&json=standard', 200, 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
('https://github.com/login', 200, 'text/html; charset=utf-8')
('https://github.githubassets.com/assets/light-0946cdc16f15.css', 200, 'text/css')
('https://github.githubassets.com/assets/global-0d04dfcdc794.css', 200, 'text/css')
('https://github.githubassets.com/assets/dark-3946c959759a.css', 200, 'text/css')
('https://github.githubassets.com/assets/github-c7a3a0ac71d4.css', 200, 'text/css')
('https://github.githubassets.com/assets/primer-0e3420bbec16.css', 200, 'text/css')
Saving the resources...
Saved https://accounts.google.com/ListAccounts?gpsia=1&source=ChromiumBrowser&json=standard in github.com/google.com/ListAccounts
Saved https://github.com/login in github.com/github.com/login
Saved https://github.githubassets.com/assets/light-0946cdc16f15.css in github.com/githubassets.com/assets/light-0946cdc16f15.css
Saved https://github.githubassets.com/assets/global-0d04dfcdc794.css in github.com/githubassets.com/assets/global-0d04dfcdc794.css
Saved https://github.githubassets.com/assets/dark-3946c959759a.css in github.com/githubassets.com/assets/dark-3946c959759a.css
Saved https://github.githubassets.com/assets/github-c7a3a0ac71d4.css in github.com/githubassets.com/assets/github-c7a3a0ac71d4.css
Saved https://github.githubassets.com/assets/primer-0e3420bbec16.css in github.com/githubassets.com/assets/primer-0e3420bbec16.css

The Grim Seeker

Find interesting things inside an file. Currently searches for:

  • href links
  • References to .php
  • References to .apk
  • References to email addresses (Use the -email flag)
  • Base64 encoded string, and will decode
  • Unescaped and percent encoded string, and will decode

Example usage (specify the file using --file):

python3 seeker.py --file index

Example Output (with -email flag enabled):

Links found inside index from 'href':

PHP endpoint found inside index: https://test-random.test/cred.php

APK found inside index: http://test-random.test/APP/mal.apk

Email found inside index: person@random.com
Email found inside index: person2@random.com

Found a possible Base 64 string: aHR0cHM6Ly90ZXN0LXJhbmRvbTEyMy50ZXN0L2NyZWQucGhw
Decoded from Base64: https://test-random123.test/cred.php

unescape() detected inside index
The unescaped and percent decoded text: 
 '<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head>