
A Simple app for managing your pokemons

Tech Stack

Client: React, Next.js (App router), TailwindCSS

Server: Node, Prisma, Postgresql

Common: Zod, NextAuth


  • Implement api with pagination and search
  • Implement auth
  • CRUD endpoints for pokemon
  • Pokemon list view
  • Pokemon view
  • Deployment to Vercel with postgresql
  • Frontend for sorting and pagination
  • Frontend for filtering by weight and height
  • Improve look of loading components
  • Create CRUD UI views
  • Make server errors nicer on the client
  • Secure endpoints


This app is hossted on Vercel with CD pipeline. Here is a link: pokedex.vercel.app


This project requires pnpm and docker installed.

git clone git@github.com:FranekMarciniak/pokedex.git
cd pokedex
pnpm install
docker-compose up -d
cp .env.example .env
pnpm prisma generate && pnpm prisma db push
node ./scripts/seed.js
pnpm dev

Known issues

  • Hydration error (only in dev mode), known bug in nextJS