PixeLana Further

PixeLana is a multiplayer web app game where Stable Diffusion meets the Solana Blockchain. Players will take turns entering a prompt for the rest of the party to utilize the power of Stable Diffusion and generate images based on the prompt. The author of each prompt will then judge and select which art piece is the funniest, prettiest, or best image in the context of the prompt.

Winners will have their art minted in memory and as an NFT on the Solana Blockchain with fast confirmation times and low transaction fees.

What's Next?

PixeLana was originally a project submission to HackIllinois 2024 (where PixeLana was awarded a 1st place finish) and will be revamped for Renaissance, a global online hackathon hosted by the Solana Foundation!

Try it Out!

We are working fast to deploy our application! For eager players that would like to try the game on the same network:

  1. Open a terminal
cd diffusion-phone
npm i
npm run dev
  1. Open another terminal
cd diffusion-phone/server
npm i
npm run dev
  1. Have each player create a Wallet from any of the following providers:
  1. Have each player on the same network access this link: http://localhost:3000/