A pure Kotlin logging library for Android with zero overhead.
I created this library because I wanted a pure Kotlin logging library with zero overhead in production apps. This project is inspired by Timber.
Building a log-message could potentially be a expensive operation, especially if you log objects using the toString
Tolbaaken.info { "Log some object: $object" }
With Tolbaaken the log-message is computed inside a lambda which is not executed when logging is disabled. Tolbaakens log methods are inlined, so there is no overhead of creating a anonymous inner class.
In your application do the following to enable logging for debug builds:
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
Tolbaaken.logger = AndroidTolbaakenLogger
Some logging examples:
Tolbaaken.debug { "This is a debug message" }
Tolbaaken.info(tag = "CustomTag") { "This is a info message" }
try {
// crash and burn
} catch(e: Exception) {
Tolbaaken.warn(e) { "Yikes, something went wrong..." }
Disable logging:
Tolbaaken.logger = null
You can find Tolbaaken on jitPack: https://jitpack.io/#Q42/Tolbaaken/1.0
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.Q42:Tolbaaken:1.0'
Sometimes you want custom log handling, for example logging Exceptions to some crash reporting library.
In your application initialize your custom logger
Tolbaaken.logger = CustomCrashReportingLogger
Custom logger implementation
object CustomCrashReportingLogger : TolbaakenLogger {
override fun log(level: TolbaakenLogLevel, tag: String, message: String, throwable: Throwable?) {
// Forward logging to the Android logger
AndroidTolbaakenLogger.log(level, tag, message, throwable)
if(level == TolbaakenLogLevel.Error && throwable != null) {
// TODO Log to crash reporting...
This library's name is inspired by the lighthouse on the island Kotlin which is named "Tolbaaken".