
Kotlin Asynchronous Bluetooth Low-Energy

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Kotlin Asynchronous Bluetooth Low Energy provides a simple Coroutines-powered API for interacting with Bluetooth Low Energy devices.

Usage is demonstrated with the SensorTag sample app.


To scan for nearby peripherals, the Scanner provides an advertisements Flow which is a stream of Advertisement objects representing advertisements seen from nearby peripherals. Advertisement objects contain information such as the peripheral's name and RSSI (signal strength).

The Scanner may be configured via the following DSL (shown are defaults, when not specified):

val scanner = Scanner {
    filters = null
    logging {
        engine = SystemLogEngine
        level = Warnings
        format = Multiline

Scan results can be filtered by providing a list of Filters. The following filters are supported:

Filter Android Apple JavaScript
Service ✓✓ ✓✓* ✓✓
Name ✓✓ ✓✓
NamePrefix ✓✓
Address ✓✓
ManufacturerData ✓✓ ✓✓

✓✓ = Supported natively
✓ = Support provided by Kable via flow filter
✓✓* = Supported natively if the only filter type used, otherwise falls back to flow filter

When a filter is supported natively, the system will often be able to perform scan optimizations. If feasible, it is recommended to provide only Filter.Service filters (and at least one) — as it is natively supported on all platforms.

When filters are specified, only Advertisements that match at least one Filter will be emitted. For example, if you had the following peripherals nearby when performing a scan:

ID Name Services
D1 "SensorTag" 0000aa80-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
D2 f484e2db-2efa-4b58-96be-f89372a3ef82
D3 "Example" 8d7798c7-15bd-493f-a935-785305946870,

To have peripherals D1 and D3 emitted during a scan, you could use the following filters:

val scanner = Scanner {
    filters = listOf(
        Filter.Service(uuidFrom("0000aa80-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb")), // SensorTag

Scanning begins when the advertisements Flow is collected and stops when the Flow collection is terminated. A Flow terminal operator (such as first) may be used to scan until (for example) the first advertisement is found matching the specified filters:

val advertisement = Scanner {
    filters = listOf(Filter.Name("Example"))


Android offers additional settings to customize scanning. They are available via the scanSettings property in the Scanner builder DSL. Simply set scanSettings property to an Android ScanSettings object, for example:

val scanner = Scanner {
    scanSettings = ScanSettings.Builder()

The scanSettings property is only available on Android and is considered a Kable obsolete API, meaning it will be removed when a DSL specific API becomes available.


Scanning for nearby peripherals is supported, but only available on Chrome 79+ with "Experimental Web Platform features" enabled via: chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features


Once an Advertisement is obtained, it can be converted to a Peripheral via the CoroutineScope.peripheral extension function. Peripheral objects represent actions that can be performed against a remote peripheral, such as connection handling and I/O operations.

val peripheral = scope.peripheral(advertisement)


To configure a peripheral, options may be set in the builder lambda:

val peripheral = scope.peripheral(advertisement) {
    // Set peripheral configuration.


By default, Kable only logs a small number of warnings when unexpected failures occur. To aid in debugging, additional logging may be enabled and configured via the logging DSL, for example:

val peripheral = scope.peripheral(advertisement) {
    logging {
        level = Events // or Data

The available log levels are:

  • Warnings: Logs warnings when unexpected failures occur (default)
  • Events: Same as Warnings plus logs all events (e.g. writing to a characteristic)
  • Data: Same as Events plus string representation of I/O data

Available logging settings are as follows (all settings are optional; shown are defaults, when not specified):

val peripheral = scope.peripheral(advertisement) {
    logging {
        engine = SystemLogEngine
        level = Warnings
        format = Multiline
        data = Hex

The format of the logs can be either Compact (on a single line per log) or Multiline (spanning multiple lines for details):

Compact Multiline (default)
example message(detail1=value1, detail2=value2, ...)
example message
detail1: value1
detail2: value2

Display format of I/O data may be customized, either by configuring the Hex representation, or by providing a DataProcessor, for example:

val peripheral = scope.peripheral(advertisement) {
    logging {
        data = Hex {
            separator = " "
            lowerCase = false

        // or...

        data = DataProcessor { bytes ->
            // todo: Convert `bytes` to desired String representation, for example:
            bytes.joinToString { byte -> byte.toString() } // Show data as integer representation of bytes.

I/O data is only shown in logs when logging level is set to Data.

When logging, the identity of the peripheral is prefixed on log messages to differentiate messages when multiple peripherals are logging. The identifier (for the purposes of logging) can be set via the identifier property:

val peripheral = scope.peripheral(advertisement) {
    logging {
        identifier = "Example"

The default (when not specified, or set to null) is to use the platform specific peripheral identifier:

  • Android: Hardware (MAC) address (e.g. "00:11:22:AA:BB:CC")
  • Apple: The UUID associated with the peer
  • JavaScript: A DOMString that uniquely identifies a device

Service Discovery

All platforms support an onServicesDiscovered action (that is executed after service discovery but before observations are wired up):

val peripheral = scope.peripheral(advertisement) {
    onServicesDiscovered {
        // Perform any desired I/O operations.

Exceptions thrown in onServicesDiscovered are propagated to the Peripheral's connect call.


On Android targets, additional configuration options are available (all configuration directives are optional):

val peripheral = scope.peripheral(advertisement) {
    onServicesDiscovered {
    transport = Transport.Le // default
    phy = Phy.Le1M // default


On JavaScript, rather than processing a stream of advertisements, a specific peripheral can be requested using the CoroutineScope.requestPeripheral extension function. Criteria (Options) such as expected service UUIDs on the peripheral and/or the peripheral's name may be specified. When CoroutineScope.requestPeripheral is called with the specified options, the browser shows the user a list of peripherals matching the criteria. The peripheral chosen by the user is then returned (as a Peripheral object).

val options = Options(
    filters = listOf(
    optionalServices = listOf(
val peripheral = scope.requestPeripheral(options).await()

After the user selects a device to pair with this origin, the origin is allowed to access any service whose UUID was listed in the services list in any element of options.filters or in options.optionalServices.

This implies that if developers filter just by name, they must use optionalServices to get access to any services.

Web Bluetooth: 4. Device Discovery


Once a Peripheral object is acquired, a connection can be established via the connect function. The connect method suspends until a connection is established and ready (or a failure occurs). A connection is considered ready when connected, services have been discovered, and observations (if any) have been re-wired. Service discovery occurs automatically upon connection.

Multiple concurrent calls to connect will all suspend until connection is ready.


To disconnect, the disconnect function will disconnect an active connection, or cancel an in-flight connection attempt. The disconnect function suspends until the peripheral has settled on a disconnected state.


If the underlying subsystem fails to deliver the disconnected state then the disconnect call could potentially stall indefinitely. To prevent this (and ensure underlying resources are cleaned up in a timely manner) it is recommended that disconnect be wrapped with a timeout, for example:

// Allow 5 seconds for graceful disconnect before forcefully closing `Peripheral`.
withTimeoutOrNull(5_000L) {


The connection state of a Peripheral can be monitored via its state Flow.

peripheral.state.collect { state ->
    // Display and/or process the connection state.

The state will typically transition through the following States:

Connection states

Disconnecting state only occurs on Android platform. JavaScript and Apple-based platforms transition directly from Connected to Disconnected (upon calling disconnect function, or when a connection is dropped).


Bluetooth Low Energy devices are organized into a tree-like structure of services, characteristics and descriptors; whereas characteristics and descriptors have the capability of being read from, or written to.

For example, a peripheral might have the following structure:

  • Service S1 (00001815-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
    • Characteristic C1
      • Descriptor D1
      • Descriptor D2
    • Characteristic C2 (00002a56-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
      • Descriptor D3 (00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
  • Service S2
    • Characteristic C3

To access a characteristic or descriptor, use the characteristicOf or descriptorOf functions, respectively. These functions lazily search for the first match (based on UUID) in the GATT profile when performing I/O.

When performing I/O operations on a characteristic (read, write, observe), the properties of the characteristic are taken into account when finding the first match. For example, when performing a write with a WriteType of WithoutResponse, the first characteristic matching the expected UUID and having the writeWithoutResponse property will be used.

In the above example, to lazily access "Descriptor D3":

val descriptor = descriptorOf(
    service = "00001815-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb",
    characteristic = "00002a56-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb",
    descriptor = "00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"

Alternatively, a characteristic or descriptor may be obtained by traversing the Peripheral.services. This is useful when multiple characteristics or descriptors have the same UUID. Objects obtained from the Peripheral.services hold strong references to the underlying platform types, so special care must be taken to properly remove references to objects retrieved from Peripheral.services when no longer needed.

To access "Descriptor D3" using a discovered descriptor:

val services = peripheral.services ?: error("Services have not been discovered")
val descriptor = services
    .first { it.serviceUuid == uuidFrom("00001815-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb") }
    .first { it.characteristicUuid == uuidFrom("00002a56-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb") }
    .first { it.descriptorUuid == uuidFrom("00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb") }

This example uses a similar search algorithm as descriptorOf, but other search methods may be utilized. For example, properties of the characteristic could be queried to find a specific characteristic that is expected to be the parent of the sought after descriptor. When searching for a specific characteristic, descriptors can be read that may identity the sought after characteristic.

When connected, data can be read from, or written to, characteristics and/or descriptors via read and write functions.

The read and write functions throw NotReadyException until a connection is established.

val data = peripheral.read(characteristic)

peripheral.write(descriptor, byteArrayOf(1, 2, 3))


Bluetooth Low Energy provides the capability of subscribing to characteristic changes by means of notifications and/or indications, whereas a characteristic change on a connected peripheral is "pushed" to the central via a characteristic notification and/or indication which carries the new value of the characteristic.

Characteristic change notifications/indications can be observed/subscribed to via the observe function which returns a Flow of the new characteristic data.

val observation = peripheral.observe(characteristic)
observation.collect { data ->
    // Process data.

When used with characteristicOf, the observe function can be called (and its returned Flow can be collected) prior to a connection being established. Once a connection is established then characteristic changes will stream from the Flow. If the connection drops, the Flow will remain active, and upon reconnecting it will resume streaming characteristic changes.

A Characteristic may also be obtained via the Peripheral.services property and used with the observe function. As before, if the connection drops, the Flow will remain active, upon reconnecting the same underlying platform characteristic will be used to to resume streaming characteristic changes.

Failures related to notifications/indications are propagated via the observe Flow, for example, if the associated characteristic is invalid or cannot be found, then a NoSuchElementException is propagated via the observe Flow. An observationExceptionHandler may be registered with the Peripheral to control which failures are propagated through (and terminate) the observe Flow, for example:

scope.peripheral(advertisement) {
    observationExceptionHandler { cause ->
        // Log failure instead of propagating associated `observe` flow.
        println("Observation failure suppressed: $cause")

In scenarios where an I/O operation needs to be performed upon subscribing to the observe Flow, an onSubscription action may be specified:

val observation = peripheral.observe(characteristic) {
    // Perform desired I/O operations upon collecting from the `observe` Flow, for example:
    peripheral.write(descriptor, "ping".toByteArray())
observation.collect { data ->
    // Process data.

In the above example, "ping" will be written to the descriptor when:

  • Connection is established (while the returned Flow is active); and
  • After the observation is spun up (i.e. after enabling notifications or indications)

The onSubscription action is useful in situations where an initial operation is needed when starting an observation (such as writing a configuration to the peripheral and expecting the response to come back in the form of a characteristic change).

Structured Concurrency

Peripheral objects/connections are scoped to a Coroutine scope. When creating a Peripheral, the CoroutineScope.peripheral extension function is used, which scopes the returned Peripheral to the CoroutineScope receiver. If the CoroutineScope receiver is cancelled then the Peripheral will disconnect and be disposed.

    .filter { advertisement -> advertisement.name?.startsWith("Example") }
    .map { advertisement -> scope.peripheral(advertisement) }
    .onEach { peripheral -> peripheral.connect() }

scope.cancel() // All `peripherals` will implicitly disconnect and be disposed.

Peripheral.disconnect is the preferred method of disconnecting peripherals, but disposal via Coroutine scope cancellation is provided to prevent connection leaks.


Android Permissions

Kable declares permissions for common use cases, but your app's configuration may need to be adjusted under the following conditions:

Your app... AndroidManifest.xml additions

Obtains the user's location (e.g. maps)


Derives the user's location from Bluetooth Low Energy scans


Performs background Bluetooth Low Energy scans


Requires Bluetooth Low Energy (and won't function without it)



Maven Central

Kable can be configured via Gradle Kotlin DSL as follows:

plugins {
    id("com.android.application") // or id("com.android.library")

repositories {

kotlin {

    sourceSets {
        val commonMain by getting {
            dependencies {

        val androidMain by getting {
            dependencies {

android {
    // ...


Copyright 2020 JUUL Labs, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.