A django app that creates api explorer for RESTful APIs.
Works with any RESTful API. For example, you can create api explorer for your tastypie based API with this app.
Demo: http://api-playground-demo.hipo.biz
To get this application up and running, please follow the steps below:
Install from pip:
pip install django-api-playground
Or from source:
pip install git+git://github.com/Hipo/Django-API-Playground.git
Add to installed apps:
INSTALLED_APPS =( # ... 'apiplayground', )
Installation is completed. You can define the API schema now.
Firs step, Create an url:
# urls.py from api.playgrounds import ExampleAPIPlayground urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'api-explorer/', include(ExampleAPIPlayground().urls)), )
Second step, Define a subclass for your API:
# api/playgrounds.py from apiplayground import APIPlayground class ExampleAPIPlayground(APIPlayground): schema = { "title": "API Playground", "base_url": "http://localhost/api/", "resources": [ { "name": "/feedbacks", "description": "This resource allows you to manage feedbacks.", "endpoints": [ { "method": "GET", "url": "/api/feedbacks/{feedback-id}", "description": "Returns a specific feedback item" }, { "method": "POST", "url": "/api/feedbacks/", "description": "Creates new feedback item", "parameters": [{ "name": "title", "type": "string" }, { "name": "resource", "type": "string" }, { "name": "description", "type": "string" }] } ] }, ] }
That's all. More detailed documentation will be coming soon.
- Berker Peksag (for such a beautiful project name suggestion)