
Detection_Execution: Main functionality (full pipeline)

CNN_on_GRAY: Building CNNs and basic testing for grayscale images

CNN_on_RGB: Building CNNs and basic testing for RGB images

draw-predefined-labels: a visualisation of the labels from BitBots-Tagger on the NaoDevils data

for 2 classes (robotleg or not) in data/:

- cnn_test
- cnn_train

for 3 classes (robotleg, ball, neither) in data/:

- ball_data  =  all extra images of balls
- cnn_test2  =	used test set containing original test and extra ball images
- cnn_train2 =	used train set containing original train and extra ball images

CNNTest: shows all the coloured bounding boxes around test set according to used model

for saving the test images with coloured bounding box on them. Color is generated by the label the CNN gives the box.

- TestBoxes_GRAY: for CNN and test images on gray scaled images
- TestBoxes_RGB: for CNN and test images on RGB images

cnn_data5 : images used for either training or testing on original image set