
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

  • Big data (2G) cleaning and data wrangling
  • Built Recommendation System by built NLP
  • As a team leader, successfully assigned each member work content

Data wrangling

  • First seperate data to three part, then deal with 1/3 part first.
  • Transform data to database format by first grouping 13 records together.

  • based on Kevin Jamieson's BeerMapper, group 88 categories beer to 17 beer categories.
  • Group by profile name and grab overall scores’ min and max data which fulfill our conditions to make recommendation System.
  • Group 17 categories into 5 styles by creating our own conditiona.

Built NLP model

  • Used String and str package to remove stop words and punctuation, then transfome text data to lower case.
  • Tf-idf and XGboost classfier with gridsearch