
Built several Machine Learning (Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and XGboost) to predict whether a person makes over 50K a year

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

  • Built several Machine Learning models (Logistic Regression, RandomFordst, and XGboost) to predict whether a person makes over 50K a year
  • Several Feature Engineering methods to fill with columns that have NA values.

Code and Resourced Used

Data Preprocessing

  1. Normalize or use logistic to transform the numeric columns (age, fnlwgt, education_number, hours)

  2. Group approximate equal columns to groups to reduce the dimension (workclass, martial_status, native_country)

    1. workclass: replace 'Without pay' and 'Never-worked' classes to 'Non-pay' class
    2. martial_status: replace 'Divorced' class to 'Seperated' class
    3. native_country: use continent to group each country.
  3. one-hot encoding for categorical parameters

  4. Built Xgboost model to predict workclass, occupation, and native_country's Null value

Fit and Predict models

  1. Logistic model
  2. RandomForest model
  3. Xgboost model