
a web components demo for encapsulated alert&confirm&prompt UI widget with requirejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

web components



  • v0.1 init repo, build basic scanfolder
  • v0.2 done alert web components basic feature
  • v0.3 add alert components btn and callback
  • v0.4 remove the hard code in css files, use js to config
  • v0.5 adjust API params format: pass a object as param
  • v0.6 custom a title
  • v0.7 custom close button and callback
  • v0.8 custom different kinds of sikn
  • v0.9 custom alert btn text
  • v0.10 implement a modal dialog
  • v0.11 make dialog drag'n'drop
  • v0.12 use observe pattern to custom event
  • v0.13 custom event II
  • v0.14 chain function
  • v0.15 define a widget abstract class
  • v0.16 refactor widget class
  • v0.17 implement prompt dialog
  • v0.18 add common dialog —— without header and footer

key point

  • 自定义事件
  1. 本质: 观察者模式
  2. 优点: 跳出原生事件的限制,提高封装的抽象性
  • js 类库分2种
  1. utility.js: 与UI无关的,如ajax、cookie、drag等
  2. widget.js: 与UI有关的,如calendar、rich text box、animation等