
Collection of helm (https://helm.sh/) charts used at @inseefr

Primary LanguageSmarty

Helm charts

Various (infrastructure focused) charts used at Insee (https://insee.fr).
See the other repository (Helm charts datascience) for datascience focused charts.

To use the repo on helm (version 3+) :

helm repo add inseefrlab https://inseefrlab.github.io/helm-charts

The repo is also browsable directly https://inseefrlab.github.io/helm-charts/index.yaml

kube-oidc-proxy is a copy (may be out of date) of https://github.com/jetstack/kube-oidc-proxy/tree/master/deploy/charts/kube-oidc-proxy with the sole purpose of exposing it on the internet (see jetstack/kube-oidc-proxy#123)

provisioner is a copy (may be out of date) of https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/sig-storage-local-static-provisioner with the sole purpose of exposing it on the internet (see kubernetes-sigs/sig-storage-local-static-provisioner#199)

docker-registry is a copy (may be out of date) of https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/docker-registry with the sole purpose of ensuring it stays online now that it has been deprecated from the stable repository (see https://github.com/helm/charts#%EF%B8%8F-deprecation-and-archive-notice)