
Builds a resume from your LinkedIn profile using JasperSoft's tools

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

The GitHub page and the Website page.


Builds a resume from your LinkedIn profile using LinkedIn's API and JasperSoft's Business Intelligence tools. This is accomplished through two tools developed here. The first tool being LinkedInDownloader and the second being Jasperize. As the names imply, LinkedInDownloader downloads your profile data and Jasperize builds your resume for you. This seperate two stage process allows you to fiddle and customize your LinkedIn data before automatically generating your resume.

Features are

  • Downloads your LinkedIn profile data
  • Generates your resume using a JasperSoft template
  • Optionally includes a cover letter with your resume
  • Supports several formats which are PDF, DOCX, PPTX, ODT, XHTML


Example resumes in different output formats

[Adobe Acrobat (pdf)] (https://github.com/FrankHassanabad/ResumeBuilder/blob/master/resumebuilder/data/jasperOutput/linkedInResume.pdf?raw=true)
[Microsoft word (docx)] (https://github.com/FrankHassanabad/ResumeBuilder/blob/master/resumebuilder/data/jasperOutput/linkedInResume.docx?raw=true)
[Microsoft power point (pptx)] (https://github.com/FrankHassanabad/ResumeBuilder/blob/master/resumebuilder/data/jasperOutput/linkedInResume.pptx?raw=true)


You can install the source through master which is typically fairly stable or through a tag. The benfits of pulling from a tag is that you have a version number you can associate with any problems you might encounter. Also, you know when there's a new version as I will always push new versions out through the tags.

Clone the repository (Install git if you haven't already)

git clone https://github.com/FrankHassanabad/ResumeBuilder.git

Either build from master or switch to a tag and build with that. I recommend using the latest tag and building from that so that if you find an issue you can report against that tagged version. I will use a version as an example but it might not be the latest version. For the latest tag see tags.

git checkout resumebuilder-parent-1.0.0

Build using maven (Install maven if you haven't already)

mvn package

Running LinkedInDataDownloader

Open a DOS command line window to your main ResumeBuilder directory. From there, switch to the distribution directory. Note that the directory versions are going to be different depending on if you're using a tag version or master version. Below I assume a tag version of 1.0.1.

cd distribution/target/ResumeBuilder-1.0.1/ResumeBuilder-1.0.1

From within the above distribution directory you can run LinkedInDownloader to download your profile XML information into the diretory of data/linkedInResumes. However first, you have to request a set of [LinkedIn API keys] (https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer) from you account.


When prompted enter your API key

Enter your LinkedIn API Key:
>> (Enter your api key here)

When the next prompt occurs, enter your API secert key

Enter your LinkedIn API Secret Key:
>> (Enter your secret api key)

When the final prompt comes up to get the verification token, visit the website, enter your LinkedIn credentials and then put in the verification key

You need to authorize LinkedInDataDownloader by copying the LinkedIn URL into a browser:
And paste the verifier here
>> (Enter your verification code)

And then you should see the program output of download your LinkedInProfile like so

Writing the output of your profile into data/linkedInResumes/linkedInProfileData.xml
Wrote the output of your profile into data/linkedInResumes/linkedInProfileData.xml

Running Jasperize

Open a DOS command line window to your main ResumeBuilder directory. From there, switch to the distribution directory.
Note that the directory versions are going to be different depending on if you're using a tag version or master version. Below I assume a tag version of 1.0.1.

cd distribution/target/ResumeBuilder-1.0.1/ResumeBuilder-1.0.1

From within the above distribution directory you can run Jasperize to convert your LinkedIn profile xml into a resume like so


You should see the output of

Using the default arguments of:
    [InputjrxmlFile] data/jasperTemplates/resume1.jrxml
    [OutputExportFile] data/jasperOutput/linkedInResume.pdf
Compiling report(s)
Compiling: data\jasperTemplates\coverletter1.jrxml
Compiling: data\jasperTemplates\educations1.jrxml
Compiling: data\jasperTemplates\header1.jrxml
Compiling: data\jasperTemplates\positions1.jrxml
Compiling: data\jasperTemplates\resume1.jrxml
Compiling: data\jasperTemplates\skills1.jrxml
Done compiling report(s)
Filling report: data\jasperOutput\resume1.jasper
Done filling reports
Creating output export file of: data/jasperOutput/linkedInResume.pdf
Done creating output export file of: data/jasperOutput/linkedInResume.pdf

And you're done!

If you want to add a cover letter with a scanned image of your signature you would use the following command

Jasperize.bat -cl -sig data/linkedInResumes/john_henry_sig.png

If you want to use a different output format such as Microsoft's word format (docx), you would use one of the following commands

Jasperize.bat data/jasperTemplates/resume1.jrxml data/jasperOutput/linkedInResume.docx
Jasperize.bat data/jasperTemplates/resume1.jrxml data/jasperOutput/linkedInResume.pptx