
An Empirical Analysis of InCoder on the Statement Prediction Task, part of the 2022 Research Project (https://github.com/TU-Delft-CSE/Research-Project)

Primary LanguagePython

InCoder Analysis

This repo contains files to perform an empirical analysis on the LM facebook/incoder-1B. The focus for this analysis is on statement completion, which will be done on two large code corpora, JavaScript and Python code, called P1K-22 and JS1K-22 respectively, scraped from the top-1000 most starred GitHub repositories.

1. Scraping

In the incoder-analysis-java/src/main/java/dev/frankheijden/incoderanalysis are the scraper and preprocessing folder, which will be the working directories for this part. I suggest opening this project in an IDE such as Intellij IDEA, to execute the main functions in these files easily.

1.1 Fetching the top-1000

To fetch the top-1000 github repositories for JavaScript and Python, run the GitHubScraper file. This will create a repositories.json file, containing ~1000 JavaScript and ~1000 Python repositories.

1.2 Fetching the zip files

Now run the GitHubZipDownloader file, which will download approximately ~25GB of zip files containing the code of the default branch for each repository.

1.3 Unzipping the files

The final step is to extract the source files from these zips. This can be done by using the RepositoryUnzipper file, which will extract Python and JavaScript source files from the archives. At the same time, it filters files based on an exact match, such that each source file is unique.

2. Creating the final dataset

After the repository-files directory has been filled, the dataset can be created from these raw source files. I suggest opening the incoder-analysis-python folder in an IDE such as PyCharm to execute these files easily. In the scripts folder, there's a script called create_dataset.py, which will create the P1K-22 and JS1K-22 dataset.

3. Running InCoder

The evaluation was ran on the Delft High Performance Cluster [1]. To help with job management, a start.sh script was made, which bootstraps the sbatch run.sh file. For each dataset subset (P1K-22, P1K-22 without comments, JS1K-22, JS1K-22 without comments) a bash command was ran:

sh start.sh raw/python 4
sh start.sh raw/javascript 4
sh start.sh without-comments/python 4
sh start.sh without-comments/javascript 4

The above commands effectively spawn 16 slurm jobs, each requesting 4 NVIDIA v100 GPUs.

4. Metrics computation

The metrics can be evaluated using the following SLURM bash command:

sbatch metrics.sh


[1] Delft High Performance Computing Centre (DHPC), DelftBlue Supercomputer (Phase 1), 2022, https://www.tudelft.nl/dhpc/ark:/44463/DelftBluePhase1