
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


GWT3/J2CL compatible License Chat on Gitter CI

A future-proof port of the com.google.gwt.http.HTTP GWT module, with no dependency on gwt-user (besides the Java Runtime Emulation), to prepare for GWT 3 / J2Cl.

Migrating from com.google.gwt.http.HTTP

  1. Add the dependency to your build.

    For Maven:


    For Gradle:

  2. Update your GWT module to use

    <inherits name="org.gwtproject.http.HTTP />
  3. Change the imports in your Java source files:

    import org.gwtproject.http.client.RequestBuilder;
    import org.gwtproject.http.client.URL;
    import org.gwtproject.http.client.UrlBuilder;


To build gwt-http:

  • run mvn clean verify

on the parent directory. This will build the artifact and run tests against the JVM, J2CL, and GWT2.

System Requirements

GWT HTTP requires GWT 2.9.0 or newer!


GWT HTTP does not depend on any other module.

Browser compatibility

The code should be compatible with all evergreen browsers, and Internet Explorer 10 and 11.