
Backup your entire Ulysses preferences folder (which includes your sheets, preferences, etc)

Primary LanguageShell


Backup your entire Ulysses preferences folder (which includes your sheets, preferences, etc)

Simpler Options (added 2016-04-14)

backup-ulysses-simpler.sh and Backup Ulysses on Quit (all in one).kmmacros have been added to the repo.

Backup Ulysses on Quit (all in one).kmmacros is a Keyboard Maestro macro that already has the script backup-ulysses-simpler.sh embedded in it.

Assuming you already have Keyboard Maestro installed, all you need to do is double-click on Backup Ulysses on Quit (all in one).kmmacros and it will be imported into your Keyboard Maestro setup.

Every time the Ulysses app quits, the script will run, and a backup will be placed in ~/Dropbox/Backups/Ulysses.

If you want it saved to a different location, all you have to do is edit the line


in the script.

($HOME refers to your Mac OS X home directory, which is usually something like /Users/JSmith/ or /Users/JohnSmith/)

Original Option

Will use dropbox_uploader.sh if found, but can easily be used without it (see comments in script).

Upon seeing this script, a Ulysses customer support representative stated to me:

It sounds like the only thing that can harm your texts now is a zombie apocalypse at the Dropbox headquarters or the heat death of the universe.

(Warning: Usual disclaimers apply, use at your own risk, etc etc.)

How to use

The easiest way to use this is to set up a Keyboard Maestro macro which runs every time Ulysses quits, like so:

You can download and use my Keyboard Maestro macro if you wish, just be sure to change /usr/local/scripts/backup-ulysses.sh to the appropriate path on your Mac.