

This codebase is to reproduce the results in the report submitted to APAC HPCAI 2020. We optimize the distributed performance by using gradient checkpointing. The baseline is run on 1 V100 GPU on NSCC DGX and the optimized code is run on 2 nodes with 4 GPUs on each node on NSCC DGX. The optimized code can achieve more than 8 times throughput compared to baseline experiment.

Gradient checkpointing

Gradient checkpointing is a method to save GPU memory and boost the batch size in expense of some computation time. The paper is published here https://arxiv.org/abs/1604.06174. This method does not modify the structure of the model, it can be integrated into the code seamlessly. The original code is in modeling_v0.py and the code with gradient checkpointing is in modeling_v2.py.

Checkpoint saving

This code will save checkpoints at 20 min automatically as configured by save_checkpoints_secs in the TensorFlow estimator:

run_config = tf.estimator.RunConfig(
        model_dir=FLAGS.output_dir if master_process else None,
        save_checkpoints_secs=60*20 if master_process else None,

This ensures the experiments are compared consistently.

Set up

git clone https://github.com/FrankLeeeee/HPCAI-2020-BERT-Submission.git


Singularity image: nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorflow:20.02-tf1-py3.sif

CUDA cuDNN NCCL Tensorflow Horovod Python
10.2 7.6.5 2.5.6 1.15 0.19 3.6.9

Results in 20mins

model bs xla #gpus grad ckpt optim #steps/sec #sentences/sec #steps at 20mis throughput at 20mins acc loss
Baseline 24 True 1 False LAMB 4.8 115.2 2938 70512 0.804 0.504
Optimized 48 True 2x4 True LAMB 2.53 971.52 1225 470400 0.8641 0.3703
  • #sentences/sec = bs * #steps/sec * #gpus
  • throughput at 20mins = bs * #steps at 20mis * #gpus

The optimized code is running on 2 nodes with each node having 4 GPUs, making it 8 GPUs. This is the max resources we successfully queued for

Run Baseline

To run the baseline experiment, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. change the variables BERT_DIR, GLUE_DIR and RESULTS_DIR in hpcai_scripts/run_glue.sh

  2. The baseline is using the original model implementation provided by Nvidia. Thus, you need to edit the run_classifier.py like below:

# change line 32
# import modeling_v2 as modeling 
# to the line below 
import modeling_v0 as modeling
  1. Also, make sure the config is consistent with the baseline config in the run_glue.sh
  1. get interactive job
qsub -I -q dgx -l walltime=1:00:00,select=1:ngpus=1:ncpus=5:mpiprocs=1 -P $ProjectID 
  1. run the script
cd ./HPCAI-2020-BERT-Submission/BERT
singularity exec /home/projects/ai/singularity/nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorflow:20.02-tf1-py3.sif ./hpcai_scripts/run_glue.sh
  1. change the variables in eval.sh and run it
bash ./hpcai_scripts/eval.sh

Run Optimized Code

To run the optimized code on 2 nodes with 4 GPUs on each node, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Copy folders apps and scripts under the $PATH_TO_SUBMISSION/multinode_communication to $HOME directory, and make a empty folder sshcont under $HOME directory
cp -r $PATH_TO_SUBMISSION/multinode_communication/* $HOME
mkdir $HOME/sshcont
  1. Edit file $HOME/scripts/sshcont/job_tensorflow_gloo.sh
# edit line 6: RESULTS_DIR pointing to the directory where experiment results are saved 
# edit line 13: GLUE_SCRIPT pointing to `BERT/hpcai_scripts/run_glue_nscc.sh`
  1. Edit file $HOME/scripts/sshcont/tensorflow.sh (this is the time for establishing connections among all nodes, and usually 180s is enough. you may increase it as you scale to more nodes or the network is slower)
# edit line 13 and 14: xxxs (e.g. 180s) 
echo "Waiting xxxs for SSH servers to be up"
sleep xxxs
  1. The optimized code is using the model with gradient checkpointing. Thus, you need to edit the run_classifier.py like below:
# change line 32
# import modeling_v0 as modeling 
# to the line below
import modeling_v2 as modeling
  1. Also, make sure the config is consistent with the optimized config in the run_glue_nscc.sh

# variable num_gpu is not in effect in the optimized code
  1. Set the correct BERT_DIR, GLUE_DIR and run_classifier.py path in run_glue_nscc.sh. Set the correct RESULTS_DIR in job_tensorflow_gloo.sh

  2. get interactive job

qsub -I -q dgx -l walltime=1:00:00,select=2:ngpus=4:ncpus=20:mpiprocs=4,place=scatter -P $ProjectID 
  1. run experiment
bash $HOME/scripts/sshcont/invocation
  1. run evaluation. As gradient checkpointing is not needed in evaluation, thus, you need to comment out the lines 259, 1041, 1042, 1067, 1068, 1088, 1089 and change ckpt to be False in line 1018.
# comment out the following lines
# 259: pool_output = tf.contrib.layers.recompute_grad(pool_output)
# 1041: dense_output = tf.contrib.layers.recompute_grad(
# 1042:                           dense_output)
# 1067: dense_intermediate = tf.contrib.layers.recompute_grad(
# 1068:                         dense_intermediate)
# 1088: dense_output_2 = tf.contrib.layers.recompute_grad(
# 1089:                         dense_output_2)

# change line 1018
# ckpt=layer_idx%2==0) -> ckpt=False)

# run evaluation
bash $PATH_TO_SUBMISSION/BERT/hpcai_scripts/eval.sh