This repo contains a list of vendors that hide their security advisories, alerts, notices, vulnerabilities, and more behind either a paywall or a login experience.
- 5y5tem5
- BertMueller18Leipzig, Germany
- BluebotlabzBluebotlaboratories
- cocoonkidin transit
- diecknetGermany
- FalsePhilosopher
- hrbrmstrGreyNoise Intelligence
- jaanliUniversity of Tartu & @onefact
- JimSycurity
- karnauskasDevtype
- Kuermel
- lamontsession
- lemonfugu
- Lyapsus
- M-Davies@nccgroup
- martinspielmann@kiongroup
- MineshK
- mjsln
- mwatkins-leviathan
- paritybitllc
- paschun
- pwsh
- roycewilliamsGCI (AK) | ALPCA | Team Hashcat
- ruppdeFRA
- sickcodesHacker | Contractor | Security Researcer | Freelance Developer | Open Source
- SimonHertoge
- syndrowm
- terryniniTaiwan
- tlourey
- zbalkanTallinn, Estonia
- zee67