ALU-AirBnB clone


ALU-AirBnB is a full-stack Web application built from scratch which comprize a command interpreter, a web interface, API and database. The goal of the project is to build a replica of the Airbnb Website and deploy it on server. The project is built using Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript, MySQL and SQLAlchemy. The final version of this project will have:

  • A command interpreter to manipulate data without a visual interface, like a shell (for development and debugging)
  • A website (front-end) with static and dynamic functionalities
  • A comprehensive database to manage the backend functionalities
  • An API that provides a communication interface between the front and backend of the system.


  • Clone this repository: git clone ""
  • Access AirBnb directory: cd AirBnB_clone
  • Run hbnb(interactively): ./console and enter command
  • Run hbnb(non-interactively): echo "<command>" | ./

Project Architecture

The project is divided into different pieces. Here is a diagram of the project architecture:

Project Architecture

File Descriptions - the console contains the entry point of the command interpreter. List of commands this console current supports:

  • EOF - exits console
  • quit - exits console
  • <emptyline> - overwrites default emptyline method and does nothing
  • create - Creates a new instance ofBaseModel, saves it (to the JSON file) and prints the id
  • destroy - Deletes an instance based on the class name and id (save the change into the JSON file).
  • show - Prints the string representation of an instance based on the class name and id.
  • all - Prints all string representation of all instances based or not on the class name.
  • update - Updates an instance based on the class name and id by adding or updating attribute (save the change into the JSON file).

Description of the command interpreter

Commands Description
quit Quits the console
Ctrl+D Quits the console
help or help <command> Displays all commands or Displays instructions for a specific command
create <class> Creates an object of type , saves it to a JSON file, and prints the objects ID
show <class> <ID> Shows string representation of an object
destroy <class> <ID> Deletes an objects
all or all <class> Prints all string representations of all objects or Prints all string representations of all objects of a specific class
update <class> <id> <attribute name> "<attribute value>" Updates an object with a certain attribute (new or existing)
<class>.all() Same as all <class>
<class>.count() Retrieves the number of objects of a certain class
<class>.show(<ID>) Same as show <class> <ID>
<class>.destroy(<ID>) Same as destroy <class> <ID>
<class>.update(<ID>, <attribute name>, <attribute value> Same as update <class> <ID> <attribute name> <attribute value>
<class>.update(<ID>, <dictionary representation>) Updates an objects based on a dictionary representation of attribute names and values

Interactive mode (example)

$ ./
(hbnb) help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  all  create  destroy  help  q  quit  show  update
(hbnb) quit


Unittests for the this project are defined in the tests directory. To run the entire test suite simultaneously, execute the following command:

$ python3 -m unittest discover tests

Alternatively, you can specify a single test file to run at a time:

$ python3 -m unittest tests/test_models/



Public Domain. No copy write protection.