
Slim library for shapes in Solar2d Game Engine

Primary LanguageLua


Slim library for shapes in Solar2d Game Engine

This library provide an easier and faster access to all the functionalities of the display. library in Solar2D.
All the functions in this library create shapes through some display functions, so the objects returned can be treated like actual display objcets, because THEY ARE.
This means you can: add a stroke, customize colors, etc. (full documentation here)

Functions tree

  |——— regular
  |      |
  |      |——— hoctagon
  |      |——— hexagon
  |      |——— pentagon
  |——— triangles
  |      |
  |      |——— equi
  |      |——— isosc
  |      |——— right
  |             |
  |             |——— bR
  |             |——— bL
  |             |——— tR
  |             |——— tL
  |——— stars
  |      |
  |      |——— four
  |      |——— five
  |——— arrows
  |      |
  |      |——— left
  |      |——— right
  |      |——— top
  |      |——— down
  |——— ellipse

Features, bugs and other:

  • the shapes behave like a proper display.* object so they are fully customizable with colour, stroke and fillings;


The first two parameters for every function are the x and y position.
After these 2, the parameters may vary.
In this list we will point out every possible argument to every function.


  • side lenght


  • side lenght


  • base lenght
  • height lenhgt


  • base lenght
  • height lenhgt


  • ray lenght
  • thickness index (four points1, five points2)


  • width3
  • height3


  1. For four-points stars: the thickness index is expressed with a number from 0 to 10; with 0 causing the absence of the star itself and 10 the creation of a square instead. To create a classic looking star a value from 1 to 6 is suggested.

  2. For five-points stars: the thickness index is expressed with a number from 0 to 10; with 0 causing the absence of the star itself and 10 the creation of a decagon instead. To create a classic looking star a value from 3 to 5 is suggested., with 3.6 as the ideal and standard value.

  3. The values in the ellipse can be express with any number. Consider that a value of 1 corresponds to 100 pixels on the screen. 2