Degree module Introduction to AI course assignment code



Introduction: In the problem, we are given a two-dimensional 100x6 array stored in a .csv file, where each row represents an instance (or object). For each row, the first 5 columns are the attributes of the instance and the final column is the label of the instance such as: a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, l The following are the task specifications:

  • Read the text file and parse its content into a matrix.
  • Compute the prior probabilities p(l = 0) and p(l = 1)
  • Compute the conditional probabilities p(ai = 0|l = 0), i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and p(ai = 1|l = 0), i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, p(ai = 0|l = 1), i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and p(ai = 1|l = 1), i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 This report proposes a solution through loading data into a 2-D NumPy int ndarray via csv.reader function provided in Python csv library and using brute force linear search method to traverse the ndarray to derive the count and use divisions to calculate probabilities. In addition, dynamic programming techniques are employed to store the frequently used #{l = 0} and #{l = 1} in a bid to reduce the time overhead.


Introduction Text categorization is focused on classifying a set of documents into categories of predefined labels. Texts cannot be directly handled by our model. The indexing procedure is the first step that maps a text dj into a numeric representation during the training and validation. The standard TFIDF function is used to represent the text. The unique words from English vocabulary are represented as a dimension of the dataset. We are given a dataset with 5 labels (folders) consisting 2726 data files in total each after Latin-1 decoding presents some written words in email communications, for instance. Problem: 1.Preprocessing

  • Read the text files from 5 subdirectories in dataset and split the document text into words (splitting separator is non-alphabet letters).
  • Remove the stopwords from the text collections, which are frequent words that carry no information. Stopwords list are given in the file stopwords.txt. Convert all words into their lower case form. Delete all non-alphabet characters from the text.
  • Perform word stemming to remove the word suffix. TFIDF representation image

Getting Started


  • numpy
  • codecs
  • ntlk


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