
Blog Using Gatsby.Js, Ghost, and AWS Amplify

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Application Title: Blog site using Ghost cms, Gatsby and Amazon Amplify

This application allows the user to do x, y, and z. Maybe here's a reason why I wanted to do this project, or came up with this idea.

Setup Steps

  1. deploying
  2. Fork and clone this repository.
  3. Run install command to install all dependencies
  4. Use start command to spin up the server.

Important Links

Planning Story

I'm building blog for my wife, in the process of searching for the best way to do it I came across Ghost cms(link), which is a really awesome CMS, but I didn't wanted to use any of the theme because I wanted to create my own, so i decide to keep searching and realice I can use Gatsby as a front end and Ghost as a headless cms, this is marvelous because I can style my Front end as much as a like, make it fast and secure with gastby and allow my wife to publish her content without any coding or hassle.

Succesfully created a webhook that triggers a build in Amazon amplify directly from updating the ghost cms.

User Stories

  • As a user I want to sign in/up
  • As a user I want to Create a new < resource >
  • As a user I want to Read multiple < resources >
  • As a user I want to Read a single < resource >
  • As a user I want to Update a < resource > I own
  • As a user I want to Delete a < resource > I own

Technologies Used

  • React.js
  • Ghost CMS
  • Gatsby
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript

Unsolved Problems

  • Still need to ....
  • Would like to eventually ....


App Screenshot:






Gatsby Starter Ghost

A starter template to build lightning fast websites with Ghost & Gatsby

Demo: https://gatsby.ghost.org





# With Gatsby CLI
gatsby new gatsby-starter-ghost https://github.com/TryGhost/gatsby-starter-ghost.git
# From Source
git clone https://github.com/TryGhost/gatsby-starter-ghost.git
cd gatsby-starter-ghost

Then install dependencies




Start the development server. You now have a Gatsby site pulling content from headless Ghost.

gatsby develop

By default, the starter will populate content from a default Ghost install located at https://gatsby.ghost.io.

To use your own install, you will need to edit the .ghost.json config file with your credentials. Change the apiUrl value to the URL of your Ghost site. For Ghost(Pro) customers, this is the Ghost URL ending in .ghost.io, and for people using the self-hosted version of Ghost, it's the same URL used to access your site.

Next, update the contentApiKey value to a key associated with the Ghost site. A key can be provided by creating an integration within Ghost Admin. Navigate to Integrations and click "Add new integration". Name the integration appropriately and click create.

To use this starter without issues, your Ghost installation needs to be at least on version 2.10.0.

The default Ghost version that is used for this starter is 3.x. If your Ghost installation is on a lower version, you will need to pass in a version property in your .ghost.json settings:

Ghost >=2.10.0 <3.0.0

    "apiUrl": "https://gatsby.ghost.io",
    "contentApiKey": "9cc5c67c358edfdd81455149d0",
    "version": "v2"

Ghost <=3.0.0

    "apiUrl": "https://gatsby.ghost.io",
    "contentApiKey": "9cc5c67c358edfdd81455149d0"

Extra options

# Run a production build, locally
gatsby build

# Serve a production build, locally
gatsby serve

Gatsby develop uses the development config in .ghost.json - while Gatsby build uses the production config.


Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Ghost Foundation - Released under the MIT license.