
A flutter package that allows you to easily integrate Skyscanner APIs

Primary LanguageDartOtherNOASSERTION


An unofficial sky_scanner api package that allow developers easily integrate the Sky scanner API to their Flutter app.

🚀 Installation

Add the skyscanner_api package to your pubspec.yaml file. You can proceed to import it with this:

import 'package:skyscanner_api/skyscanner_export.dart';

Next, you must initialise your API key before calling any other available methods. You can get a Skyscanner API key from here: https://developers.skyscanner.net/docs/getting-started/authentication

Initialise your apiKey like so:

  final _scannerApi = SkyScannerApi()..initializeApiKey(apiKey: 'apiKey');

Flight Live Prices API

To get current flights prices for a given route, use the createSearchLiveFlight that returns you: FlightLivePricesCreateResponse which contains the following:

status This indicates the status of the request.

The status can be any of the following:

RESULT_STATUS_INCOMPLETE The search has not been yet completed.

RESULT_STATUS_COMPLETE All flight data have been retrieved and polling has finished.

RESULT_STATUS_FAILED An error has occurred while retrieving flight data.

action Indicates how to treat the SearchResults contained in a SearchContent.

sessionToken Token that would be passed to the createLiveSearchPoll(token) method to get more flights results.

content Content contains additional search information like Results, Stats, SortingOptions

**Results** contain the following:

Itineraries Bookable itinerary which corresponds with what was requested in the search. A return trip will consist of 2 legs, while a one-way trip will consist of 1 leg. An itinerary will contain a deepLink field which takes the traveler to the booking page.

Leg Includes details about the flight leg from destination to origin. A leg has 1 segment if it is a direct flight, and can have multiple segments if there are multiple stopovers.

Segment Shows the individual stops in a leg. I.e.: if a leg has 1 stop, the segment will show details about the stopover such as the length of time and where the stopover location is.

Places Shows the individual stops in a leg. I.e.: if a leg has 1 stop, the segment will show details about the stopover such as the length of time and where the stopover location is.

Carriers Similar to places, carriers contains information about the airlines referenced in itineraries.

Agents Similar to places, agents contains information about the OTAs referenced in itineraries.

Alliances List of alliance names.

Here is a sample code to call the method:

try {  
  final entity = FlightLivePricesCreateEntity(  
    query: Query(  
      adults: 1,  
	  market: 'UK',  
	  locale: 'en-GB',  
	  currency: 'NGN',  
	  cabinClass: CabinClass.CABIN_CLASS_FIRST,
	  queryLegs: [  
          date: SkyScannerDate(  
            year: 2023,  
            month: 08,  
            day: 23,  
	 originPlaceId: OriginPlaceId(entityId: '104120218'),  
	 destinationPlaceId: DestinationPlaceId(iata: 'LNH'), 
  alternativeParam: {},  
 final FlightLivePricesCreateResponse? response = await _scannerApi.createSearchLiveFlight(entity);  
} catch (e) {  

For both originPlaceId and destinationPlaceId you can either pass the entityId or iata. You can't pass both.

You can get the market, locale and currency by using the getNearestCulture() method and passing in the user's IP address like so:

try {  
  final NearestCulture? response =  
      await _scannerApi.getNearestCulture('');  
  print('Market: ${response?.market?.code}');  
  print('Locale: ${response?.localeData?.code}');  
  print('Currency: ${response?.currency?.code}');  
} catch (e) {}

You can get the IATA from this webpage: https://www.iata.org/en/publications/directories/code-search/ OR You can get the iata or entityId through the getGeoFlights() passing in the user's locale like so:

final GeoFlightResponse? = await _scannerApi.getGeoFlights('en-GB');  

Use the alternativeParam parameter to send request body fields
that is not included in the query model.


Poll is used to retrieve the complete list of the search results like so:

final FlightLivePricesCreateResponse? response = await _scannerApi.createLiveSearchPoll(sessionToken);

This returns the same FlightLivePricesCreateResponse model as in the case when calling the createSearchLiveFlight method.

Refresh Prices

Sometimes you would need to refresh the prices to get the latest prices as prices is sometimes cached and a returned price might not be the same price in the next 10 minutes. You can invoke this refresh by calling the createItineraryRefresh()method and passing in the sessionToken and itineraryId like so:

final FlightLivePricesCreateResponse? response = await _scannerApi.createItineraryRefresh(sessionToken: sessionToken, itineraryId: itineraryId);

Remember, sessionToken is returned from the createSearchLiveFlight() method and the itineraryId is gotten from the Content->Results->Itineraries class returned from the same method.

Additionally, use the pollItineraryRefresh() method to get more data on the itinerary refresh like so:

final FlightLivePricesCreateResponse? response =  
    await _scannerApi.pollItineraryRefresh(refreshSessionToken: refreshSessionToken);

The refreshSessionToken is gotten from the createItineraryRefresh() method.

Flight Indicative Prices API

The Indicative Prices API returns a list of the cheapest prices seen last by travellers for a given search criteria. This API is exploratory in nature, meaning that it is used to get a 'feel' of the flight overall prices BUT it may not actually tell you the current price.

You can use this API by calling the indicativeSearch() method like so:

try {  
  final entity = IndicativeSearchEntity(  
    query: IndicativeSearchQuery(  
      market: 'UK',  
	 locale: 'en-GB',  
	 currency: 'NGN',  
	 dateTimeGroupingType: DateTimeGroupingType.DATE_TIME_GROUPING_TYPE_BY_MONTH,
	 queryLegs: [  
        OriginPlace(queryPlace: QueryPlace(entityId: '29475087')),  
        DestinationPlace(queryPlace: QueryPlace(iata: 'LHR')),  
	anytime: true,  
    originPlace: OriginPlace(queryPlace: QueryPlace(iata: 'LHR')),  
	destinationPlace: DestinationPlace(  
        queryPlace: QueryPlace(entityId: '29475087')),  
	anytime: true,  
	alternativeParam: {},  
 final FlightLivePricesCreateResponse? response =  
      await _scannerApi.indicativeSearch(entity);  
} catch (e) {}

If you want to get prices of one way flight, specify just one IndicativeSearchQueryLeg() but if you want to get return prices as well then add two IndicativeSearchQueryLeg() to the queryLegs list property.

DateTimeGroupingType allows specifying how the response will be grouped. The default is DateTimeGroupingType.DATE_TIME_GROUPING_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED

Each queryLeg must only have one date type such as: dateRange or fixedDate or anytime.

DATE_TIME_GROUPING_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED: The date grouping is not specified (use the default).

DATE_TIME_GROUPING_TYPE_BY_DATE Group the quotes by day.

DATE_TIME_GROUPING_TYPE_BY_MONTH Group the quotes by month.

Date type


dateRange A range of dates to search for flights for. Will search for prices from the first to last date of each month

fixedDate A specific date to search for flights for.

anytime Will return best quotes for a given route.

Autosuggest API

The Autosuggest API returns a list of places that match a specified searchTerm.

try {  
  final entity = AutosuggestFlightEntity(  
    query: AutosuggestFlightQuery(
      limit: 20,  
      market: 'UK',  
	  locale: 'en-GB',  
	  isDestination: true,
	  searchTerm: 'London',    
	  includedEntityTypes: [ "PLACE_TYPE_CITY", "PLACE_TYPE_AIRPORT"],  
 final AutosuggestFlightResponse? response = await _scannerApi  
  .getAutosuggestFlight(autosuggestFlightEntity: entity);  
} catch (e) {}

isDestination (Optional) Alters ranking logic of entities. Defaults to false if not sent.

limit (Optional) Limits number of entities returned in response. Take a min value of 1 and max of 50.

searchTerm The string to get autosuggest results for. If left blank, the most popular flights will be returned.

includedEntityTypes(Optional) Can be used to filter type of places returned. The types are:


Car Hire

You can perform a search for a car rental according to your plans and needs.

final entity = CarHireEntity(  
  query: CarHireQuery(market: 'US', locale: 'en-US', searchTerm: 'Pari'),  
final CarHireResponse? response =  
    await _scannerApi.getCarHire(carHireEntity: entity);  

CarHireResponse contains these properties:

hierarchy Shows hierarchy of places related to this entity. E.g. City of Edinburgh.

location Coordinates of the entity. Expressed as a comma seperated latitude/longitude pair e.g. 55.9497, -3.3635.

name Name of the place e.g. London.

highlight Indicates emphasis on characters which match the searchTerm.

entityId A unique ID for the place. It's an internal ID and it doesn't have any meaning outside of our APIs.



You can perform a search for an hotel according to your plans and needs.

  final entity = HotelEntity(  
    query: HotelQuery(  
      market: 'US',  
	  locale: 'en-US',  
	  searchTerm: 'Pari',  
   limit: 5,  
 final HotelResponse? response =  
  await _scannerApi.getHotel(hotelEntity: entity);  

query Object containing parameters for hotels autosuggest search.

limit (Optional) Limits number of entities returned in response. Take a min value of 1 and max of 50. Default is 10.

HotelResponse contains these properties:

hierarchy Shows hierarchy of places related to this entity. E.g. City of Edinburgh.

location Coordinates of the entity. Expressed as a latitude/longitude pair. E.g. 55.9497, -3.3635

score Relevance score of entry based on character input.

name Name of the place e.g. London

highlight Indicates emphasis on characters which match the searchTerm

entityId A unique ID for the place. It's an internal ID and it doesn't have any meaning outside of our APIs.


pois A list of points of interest near the given entity.

Carriers API

The Carriers API returns a full list of active carriers with name and IATA code indexed by their carrierId. This is the same carrierId from Flights Live Prices API reference and Flights Indicative API . The carrierId is in the same format e.g. -32677.

try {  
  final CarriersResponse? response = await _scannerApi.getCarriers();  
  response?.carriers.values.forEach((element) {  
} catch (e) {}

The CarriersResponse contains these properties:

status This indicates the status of the request.

carriers This is a Map<String, CarriersData>. The key here (String) refers to the carrierID

CarriersData contains the following properties:

name The legal name of the carrier

iata The IATA code of the carrier

icao The ICAO code of the carrier

displayCode The code which should be used to prefix flight numbers. This field should be used as some airlines have a preferred notation for their flight codes of using ICAO instead of IATA codes (or vice versa). E.g.: EasyJet has an IATA code of U2 but displayCode of EZY, so the resulting flight number should be EZY123.


The Geo API returns a list of localised geographical locations in the requested format.

You can use the getGeoFlights() method as discussed above to get a list of geographical locations in a language determined by the given locale.

try {  
  final GeoFlightResponse? response =  
      await _scannerApi.getGeoFlights(locale: 'en-GB');  
  response?.places?.forEach((element) {  
  } catch (e) {}

You can use the `` a list of geographical locations in a language determined by the given locale starting from the nearest airport. Results are based on a locator which is either an `ipAddress` or set of `coordinates` (you can't pass both) like so:

try {  
  NearestFlightEntity nearestFlightEntity = NearestFlightEntity(  
    locale: 'en-GB',  
    locator: LocatorEntity(  
    coordinates: Coordinates(  
    latitude: 51.5074,  
    longitude: 0.1278,  
 final GeoFlightResponse? response = await _scannerApi  
  .getGeoNearestFlights(nearestFlight: nearestFlightEntity);  
  response?.places?.forEach((element) {  
  } catch (e) {}