
Takes your input, makes it more verbose with the help of the Wordnik API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Silly app for fun. The idea is to make sentences ridiculously verbose.

Takes your input, makes it more verbose with the help of the Wordnik API

Very simple. . . Queries the Thesaurus for synonyms and replaces each word. Returns a new string. Unfortunately, English language is very tricky, and I'm trying to figure out ways to preserve grammar and sentence structure. EG: "I'll handle this" vs "door handle"

My first pass is by trying to create a list of rules for the most common words out there with static rules. once that json dict gets too big, I'll push it out into a json file.

My 2nd idea (pending) is to pull part of speech from wordnik for each word as I query the thesaurus API... If the response doesn't match part of speech, try again... if it doestn't return a match, keep the original word intact.