
The Jekyll frame for the react components in fv-website

Primary LanguageCSS


This site requires a Gulp-based build step prior to running the Jekyll build. This means that GitHub is not able to build the site for us from source automatically. Instead, one needs to run the build process (it requires nodejs and gulp) on your own machine. This will update the rendered HTML in the /docs folder, and then GitHub serves that HTML. Therefore, you must commit both the changes to the markdown source as well as the changes to the built HTML and push those to GitHub.

Do not edit the /docs files by hand – they are wiped and regenerated every time the gulp/Jekyll build processes the source markdown.

Edit the markdown files as normal; if you need to build the site locally, read on:


Building this project requires:

  • ruby >=2.5.3 (Strongly suggest installing via rbenv)
  • bundler (ruby gem)
  • nodejs >= 10.16.3
  • gulp >= 2.0.2

Once these are installed, run the following to install Ruby and Node dependencies:

bundle install
npm install


Once dependencies are downloaded, the build is managed via gulp.

  • gulp build – Full deployment. Runs SASS files, js minimizer, copies images, processes the React component, builds Jekyll (via bundle exec) and outputs the static to the docs/ folder, which will be served by GitHub pages. Afer running gulp build, you must commit all changed files from the docs/ folder and then push those commits to GitHub.

  • gulp buildLocal – As above, but outputs to the _site/ folder instead, which is untracked by git. Good for testing everything but output destination.

  • gulp watch – Looks for any changes to the Sass or JS files and builds automatically.

  • gulp watchLocal – As above, but builds to local _site/ folder.

  • To preview the Jekyll site after building, run bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --config _config.yml,_local_config.yml and then visit the site in your browser at http://localhost:4000/viewer/

  • All supporting assets should be placed in the _source/ folder. They will be output to assets/ on build.

  • The FV-React App has its own repo, located at https://github.com/PghFrankenstein/fv-website

  • The React component lives in _source/viewer/build. To update the app you need to drop a fully compiled React build here and run gulp build.

  • IMPORTANT: If the app changes you will have to run the React build elsewhere before deployment. The FV production site is currently not configured to build React components.

URL configuration

The _config.yml file currently sets the base url of the site as /viewer, which corresponds to the path offered by GitHub pages.

To redeploy this site with a different base url, you must edit that attribute in configuration and do a full rebuild, as it affects not only the HTML components but also paths referenced by SCSS and JS files.

Changing site content & static (non-React) assets

  • Please refer to Jekyll documentation for basic usage and structure.

  • To revise the React app, copy the built application into _source/viewer/build, and then run gulp buildLocal. This copies the application into the viewer directory (which is untracked by git) and moves static assets to the appropriate locations before running the Jekyll build process.

  • Run gulp build to build the site after changes (see Basic Commands below)

  • Images and other assets should be placed in the _source/img/ folder. They will be transferred to the assets/ when the site is built.

  • IMPORTANT: Do NOT place images in the assets/ folder. They will be deleted during the build process. Add them to the _source/img/ folder as per above.

  • The main menu can be changed in _includes/header.html.

  • Footer content can be changed in _includes/footer.html.

  • The bio data that appears on the homepage can be modified in _data/biographies.yml. The bios themselves should be proper HTML.

  • Page content can be modified in the respective markdown files

  • The site has a limited set of basic styles, including a full range of text styles and headings (H1 - H6).


  • The FV site uses a custom SASS library, located at _sass/

  • IMPORTANT: Do NOT change CSS styles in the assets/css/ folder. The build process overwrites everything in that folder.

  • To change the styling you can modify the SASS files and run gulp build.

  • The SASS library is built on a configuration-driven design system developed at Agile Humanities. There are some functions and mixins that may not be transparent in their usage. Ask Agile for guidance if necessary.

  • Only change the SASS partials in _sass/c_local/** . If you need to change styles that are sourced to files in _sass/a_core/** it's best to override them in a c_local subdirectory SASS file.

  • General typography can be tweaked in _sass/c_local/30_elements/_typography.sass