
1.Following the guide Init to setup the EKS cluster. ---(Time: about 25 mins)

  • Create a role
  • Install Kubectl
  • Create a cluster

2.Following the guide Karpenter to install helm and Karpenter ---(Time: about 10 mins)

  • Install helm
  • Setup Karpenter
  • Deploy the test application and scale the deployment to check Karpenter status.

3.Following the guide CICD to generate the multi-arch images on X86 and arm64 (Graviton) ---(Time: about 20 mins)

  • clone a repo from git
  • use cicd to init CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeCommit
  • create ecr repository to store the multi-arch images.
  • commit the code to codecommit to trigger CodePipeline to generate the multiarch images.

4.Use Graviton the test application to deploy workload with multi arch.---(Time: about 10 mins)

  • create a graviton nodegroup.
  • deploy the multiarch image on x86 and graviton nodegroup.

5.Use Bottlerocket to create a bottlerocket nodegroup.---(Time: about 10 mins)

  • Create a key pair which can access the bottlerocket node.
  • create 2 bottlerocket nodegroups, and one with the SSH.

6.Use EKS ALB ingress to install a ingress controller and deploy the game 2048.---(Time: about 10 mins)

  • Install alb ingress controller.
  • Deploy the game 2048.

7.Use EKS Node Interruption Handler to setup Node Interruption Handler.---(Time: about 10 mins)

  • Setup Environment.
  • Deploy Node Interruption Handler.
