
In this repo I'll be following closely this Udemy course on React: https://www.udemy.com/course/complete-react-developer-zero-to-mastery/

Primary LanguageJavaScript


In this repo I'll be following closely this Udemy course on React: Complete React Developer in 2021 (w/ Redux, Hooks, GraphQL).


  • basics: this folder contains all the material presented in the first part of the course while I was learning the basics of React. The lessons moved towards building a simple project called Monsters Rolodex.
  • master-project: the second part of the course focused on developing a more complex project of an e-commerce, presenting how to make routes, user anthentication with Firebase, stripe payments, add mobile support and other key concepts.

Setting up the environment

To run the material in this course, it is necessary to fulfill some requirements. The first one is to install Node JS. I'll be doing this with nvm (Node Version Manager) on Ubuntu 20.04, by running one of the following commands:

nvm install node         # install the latest node version
nvm install --lts        # install the latest LTS node version
nvm install v14.16.0     # install any specified version of node

Along with Node JS, nvm also installs a compatible version of npm (Node Package Manager).

p.s.: The Instructor recommends any version of node above or equal v10.15.3.

nvm is a very convenient tool to install and manage different versions of Node JS. On file nvm-cheat-sheet, you are going to find some of its usefull commands.

Start building a new App

Inside the desired folder, just run this command on a shell:

npx create-react-app *name_of_the_app*   # just add the desired name for the app

This command creates a simple React app with a basic structure to serve as a starting point for the development of your application.

For more information, see Getting Started with Create React App.