
Illustrate generating tests dynamically for Scala in ScalaTest and specs2

Primary LanguageScala

Dynamically generating test cases in Scala test frameworks

Continuous Integration

Often you want to parameterize a test by data, and run all of the tests independently so that any one failure does not step the test run. For example, maybe you have a sequence of integers and want to run a test case for each integer in the sequence.

A bad solution

One attempted solution is to write one test case for the sequence, and inside the test case, sequentially loop over all the items in the sequence and make an assertion for each. The problems with this approach:

  • one assertion failure causes a break out of the loop and the whole test case fails
  • no parallel running of test cases

A good solution

We dynamically generate a sequence of individual test cases.

  • since each data item results in its own test case, its failure does not stop the run of the other test cases
  • the test cases can be exercised in parallel, in a test framework that allows that

This is easy to do with either ScalaTest or specs2.