Exhale beauty in style. Nav-ro gives everyone the elegance and desire to live in a world of their dreams; to have the body and appearance they so wish for.
This project is primarily built for those with some form of disability, as there is need for inclusion in all aspects when it comes to making yourself be as beautiful as you want.
Beauty is personal, so what we did was to build a medium which would allow people to be able to have ready access to the products that thay want. When building this project, we prioritized giving you products that would better suit your color and skin type, so you can maximise the effect of the product for your use.
- Voice over Text
- Face Scan
- Voice Assistance
- Face Feature update
Those are the major features of the product, as we have endeavoured to make it user friendly regardless of condition. Now, these are some images of how the site works.
Those are basically what you would see when you visit the page. We have made it soo easy to use, that all the paths there are self explanatory.
Note that this is a demo product and as such we do not recommened using any secure or other login methods to sign up. You can follow the process of the buttons and get what you want.
- Microsoft Speech API
- Imagga
- Face API