
Congratulations on reaching this milestone in your Django journey! This graded assessment is designed to test your skills and understanding of the Django framework. As you work through this assessment, remember that patience and perseverance are essential qualities for working with any back-end framework. Good luck!


The goal of this assessment is to build two pages for a web app: the Menu page and the Menu Item page. These pages will contribute to creating a comprehensive website for a local neighborhood bistro called Little Lemon.


Little Lemon is a neighborhood bistro owned by Mario and Adrian. They understand the importance of having a digital presence to provide convenience and connection for their customers. As part of their efforts to enhance the customer experience, they have enlisted your help in building their website using the Django framework.

Throughout this course, you have been involved in various aspects of the website development, including creating views, dynamic templates, and building models and forms. Now, it's time to bring everything together and complete the most critical section of a food restaurant website: the Menu page.

Learner Instructions

The Little Lemon website will consist of five pages: Home, About, Booking, Menu, and Menu Item. In this assessment, you will focus on creating the Menu page and the Menu Item page. These pages are essential for showcasing the bistro's menu items and providing detailed information about each item.

Please refer to the specific instructions provided in the project files to complete the implementation of these pages. Follow the Django best practices and utilize the knowledge and skills you have acquired throughout the course.

Good luck with the assessment, and remember to ask for help or clarification whenever needed. Enjoy the journey of bringing the Little Lemon website to life!

Getting Started

To get started with the project, make sure you have Django installed on your local development environment. If you haven't installed Django yet, please refer to the official Django documentation for installation instructions.

Once Django is set up, follow these steps to run the project:

Clone the project repository from the provided source. Navigate to the project directory using the command line. Create a virtual environment for the project and activate it. Install the project dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt. Apply the database migrations using python migrate. Start the development server with the command python runserver. Open your web browser and access the project at http://localhost:8000/. Feel free to explore the existing pages and familiarize yourself with the project structure before starting the implementation of the Menu page and Menu Item page.

Project Structure The project follows the standard Django project structure: Entry point for running administrative commands. project_name/: Django project directory. Project-level settings configuration. Main URL configuration for the project. WSGI application entry point. app_name/: Django app directory. Definition of database models. Implementation of views and business logic. URL configuration specific to the app. templates/: Directory for storing HTML templates. static/: Directory for storing static files (CSS, JavaScript, images, etc.).