
Fork of Apache handler for .md files that allows for user installation.

Primary LanguagePHP

Markdown Handler

This little script adds an Apache handler that lets you view Markdown files with a .md (or .mdown or .markdown) extension more prettily on your webserver.

It's based on a PHP Markdown implementation by Michel Fortin.


  • Copy markdown.conf to your Apache user configuration folder -- In my case (running Apache2 on Ubuntu) that folder is /etc/apache2/conf.d/, or rename markdown.conf as .htaccess and place file with website root, if you prefer.
  • Copy the .markdown directory into your webroot.

Now visit a .md file on your webserver; you should see it as properly styled HTML.

You will need PHP and mod_handler active for Apache servers.

MathJax does not need to be installed, as it is automatically loaded from the MathJax CDN.


This file is provided to allow you to test to see if everything is displaying the way it should.