Tiny lightweight library to add some simple GUI functionality to .NET console apps. Consider everything unstable in this library.
new in 1.2.0:
Overhauled the API, everything is now fluent! Also added column and rowspan.
new in 1.1.0:
Grid is now a base element that can be added to an existing Grid. It will act as a button, displaying it's contents after being clicked. This allows for easy submenu's. EnterPressedEvent now returns a parameter object, default null. Buttons can be passed an object in their constructor, this object will be passed in the event, again default null.
Example usage:
//Columnspan example:
static void Main(string[] args)
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
Grid grid = ElementFactory.CreateGrid(i => i
.Target(new DotNetConsole())
.Size(2, 2)
grid.Add(0, 0, new Button("0, 0"));
grid.Add(1, 0, new Button("1, 0"));
grid.Add(0, 1, ElementFactory.CreateButton(i => i
//Enumerate all elements, add eventhandlers manually
static void Main1(string[] args)
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
IConsole console = new DotNetConsole();
Grid grid = ElementFactory.CreateGrid(i => i
.Size(1, 4)
grid.Add(0, 0, new Text("Publish channel:"));
grid.Add(0, 1, new Button("Debug"));
grid.Add(0, 2, new Button("Keyuser"));
grid.Add(0, 3, new Button("Release"));
foreach (var element in grid.EnumerateElements())
if (element != null)
element.OnEnterPressed += ButtonClick;
while (true)
static void Main2(string[] args)
IConsole console = new DotNetConsole();
Grid grid = ElementFactory.CreateGrid(i => i
.Size(4, 4)
grid.Add(0, 0, ElementFactory.CreateText(i => i
.Colors(Color.DarkYellow, Color.DarkBlue)
grid.Add(0, 1, new Button("0,1"));
grid.Add(2, 0, new Button("2,0"));
grid.Add(1, 1, new Button("1,1"));
grid.Add(1, 2, new Button("1,2"));
grid.Add(2, 1, new Button("2,1"));
grid.Add(2, 2, ElementFactory.CreateButton(i => i
.Colors(Color.DarkRed, Color.Blue)
.Highlight(Color.Green, Color.Magenta)
grid.Add(1, 0, new Text("Text asdf"));
Grid subGrid = ElementFactory.CreateGrid(i => i
.Size(1, 4)
.Text("Deploy application")
.Colors(Color.Red, Color.Black)
.Highlight(Color.Black, Color.Red)
subGrid.Add(0, 0, new Button("Debug"));
subGrid.Add(0, 1, new Button("Keyuser"));
subGrid.Add(0, 2, ElementFactory.CreateButton(i => i
.Pressed((sender, param) => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Release button pressed. Param: " + (int)param); }, 12)
grid.Add(0, 2, subGrid);
while (true)
static void ButtonClick(IBaseElement element, object parameter)
if (element is Button button)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Button {button.Text} press event!");
Example usage (pre 1.1.0):
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IConsole console = new DotNetConsole();
Grid grid = new Grid(console, 4, 4);
grid[0,0] = new Button("0,0");
grid[0,1] = new Button("0,1");
grid[2,0] = new Button("2,0");
grid[1,1] = new Button("1,1");
grid[1,2] = new Button("1,2");
grid[2,1] = new Button("2,1");
grid[2,2] = new Button("2,2");
grid[1,0] = new Text("Text asdf");
Grid subGrid = new Grid(console, "Deploy application", grid, 1, 3);
subGrid[0, 0] = new Button("Debug");
subGrid[0, 1] = new Button("Keyuser");
subGrid[0, 2] = new Button("Release");
grid[0, 2] = subGrid;
foreach (var element in grid.EnumerateElements())
if (element != null)
element.EnterPressedEvent += ButtonClick;
while (true)
static void ButtonClick(ABaseElement element, object parameter)
if (element is Button button)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Button {button.Text} press event!");
Install via NuGet:
I use jetbrains products to develop this library. Check them out bellow.