
Data Science Web App Streamlit: Analyzing Motor Vehicle Crashes from NYC

Primary LanguagePython

NY City Motor Vehicle Collision Visual App with Streamlit

Table of contents

General info

Project info

Dataset info

Name: New York City Motor Vehicle Collisions - Vehicles

Link: https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/Motor-Vehicle-Collisions-Crashes/h9gi-nx95

Created Date: April 28, 2014

Updated Date: March 26, 2022

Publisher: data.cityofnewyork.us


Project is created with:

  • PyCharm: 2021.3
  • Google Colab
  • streamlit==1.6.0
  • pandas==1.4.1
  • numpy==1.22.3
  • plotly==5.6.0
  • plotly-express==0.4.1
  • pydeck==0.7.1
  • xlrd==2.0.1

