
A chat application powered by GPT-3 model where users can join rooms and message each other.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


TextGPT is a chat application powered by GPT-3 model where users can join rooms and message each other. They can also use the suggestion tool which will automatically suggest a respose based on the last mesasge you received. It is built using React JS, Socket.io, Node.js and OpenAI API.

How to use it

  • Enter your name and click a room number to join.
  • Send a message to the room.
  • Click on the three dot button to suggest a response.

Setup and run

Download both the client and server folder to your local machine. In both of the directories, run the following code,

Installing the dependencies

$ npm install

Run the frontend and backend

$ npm start

Create a .env file inside the server directory and enter your OpenAi api key for the suggestion to work.


  1. Speech to Text messaging:

    • Add an audio capture tool and use Whisper API to transcribe into text.
  2. User Authentication:

    • Add a user authentication system to manage user accounts. This could involve:
      • Simple username/password authentication.
      • Incorporating OAuth to allow users to authenticate with existing accounts like Google.
  3. Real-time Translation:

    • Incorporate translation API to translate messages in real-time. This would enable users from different language backgrounds to communicate more effectively with each other.