Miscellaneous files to get my Blade Center and PXE booting and installing without intervention.
debian-installer_amd64_boot-screens_menu.cfg My modified version of the debian-installer/amd64/boot-screens/{adtxt,menu}.cfg from the http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/dists/jessie/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz tarball.
preseed_compute.cfg My preseed config file. Well, pretty much any way. It's been "cleaned" somewhat.
new_blade.sh Script to unpack and do local modifications to the installed system.
bladefs This directory is misc local stuff that's is in a tarball and extracted in the installed system root at the very latest in the install procedure.
- bladefs/var/tmp/rc.install This is the primary installer script. That's where all the "magic" happens.
This filesystem is tar'ed down into the file called "new_blade.tgz" in the scripts.
blade-users.sql Script to setup remote access to the MySQL server running on the control node(s).
debconf_openstack-compute.txt The debconf seed files.
dbconfig-common-template.conf Template for the /etc/dbconfig-common/*.conf files. It's not enough to just seed debconf, dbconfig-common need these files to be able to connect to the database as administrator and create the databases and users.
admin-openrc The file I source both in the rc.install script as well as when I do local modifications etc.
install_nova_docker.sh Extra scripts to do additional installations and setup of locally needed stuff.
dashboard.conf Simplest was just to include the whole configuration file for the dashboard, than to modify it with sed.