
So, this thing requires a little bit of setup before you run it. You need to have a .csv (obviously), as well as a save location, within which need to be a folder named 'units' and 'battleanimations'.

Any |'s in your .csv file will be replaced with commas in text, so if you want a description that reads "This is a unit, it kills stuff", write it as "This is a unit| it kills stuff" in the csv file. Here is an example .csv file, on google sheets. There's also an included Example.csv to be found among the files.

Run the program, select your CSV with the 'Pick CSV' button, and the save location (so the BASE folder, not the 'units' or 'battleanimations' folder) with the 'Save Location' button. Then click 'Go'.

Currently, battleanimations are broken; nothing is shown, but the game loads things just fine. I'll fix that at some point.